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Everything posted by ExcellenceBride

  1. Hi ladies, I'm here and Llenny is amazing...had our meeting, gave her all our wedding stuff and had a tasting of our menu, now I'm just waiting for Thursday for the big day. Once you get here, everything just comes together. Plus Llenny is absolutely wonderful and puts your mind at ease. I'll let you guys know how it goes afterwards. Wish me luck!
  2. I would switch coordinators to Llenny...she's the best and always replies within 24-48 hours. Nayeli gave me heartburn and never even noticed that I switched coordinators cause I just never heard from her again. Here is LLeny's email: [email protected] Now I hope your issue isn't with Llenny cause then this response is no good lol
  3. Hi, If you do private - it'll cost you $22 a person but you can only do it in the restaurant that is closed the day that you chose to do your rehearsal dinner. I'm having mine at Chez Isabelle which I do think is the niceset (Spice Restaurant is really nice too) If you do a semi-private it's free up to 20 people and you can only do it at Agave and Toscana I believe. For mine I'm renting a projector and computer for $350 to have a slide show. Good luck! Kim
  4. Hi everyone, I'm getting married in 5 weeks...omg! I wanted to ask past brides - have any of you ever shipped items to the resort - if so did everything work out okay? Do you recommend I go that route or just bring things with me in a suitcase? Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!!!!
  5. Hello! I'm actually bringing my own lanterns so I can have candles that won't blow out and mason jars and will have her put roses and orchids in them (since they won't have hydrangeas in March...UGH!) I'm actually having long tables so I'll also have a runner. I don't think they have peonies but I will ask as that was my hope as well. I'm getting married in March too! It's coming up now 2 months, 5 days. OMG! Good luck planning everyone.
  6. Hi! The packages come with the option for a 'semi private rehearsal dinner' at either the Mexican or Italian restaurant. But a private one is $22 a person and even more if it's an outside of the resort guest. We are even having a slide show and to rent the projector and screen is $350. Be prepared as things add up quickly. The basics are included in the package.
  7. Right behind ya...I'm getting married March 28th! I feel like it's creeping up. Where are you having your wedding/reception? I'm being optomistic about the weather, nothing else we can do but be hopeful
  8. Hi everyone, Does anyone know how much 'open bar' costs or if it's included? Thanks, Kim
  9. I'm so happy to hear this because I'm getting married March 28, 2013 and was wondering about the weather. Do you recall much rain? Congratulations on your April 2013 wedding. Very exciting!
  10. Hello: I am getting married in March 2013 and had similar questions myself. Apparently we no longer need to translate any documents. That is a recent new law in Mexico. Your passport and few other pertinent documents are needed but no longer a passport or divorce papers translated. We were happy to hear this as we are doing the civil ceremony. I was recently told that it's $45 per person to attend your wedding if they are not staying at the resort. Don't change your resort because of a few people...this place is amazing. We've been there 3 times. You can't please everyone. Do what's best for you and your fiance. Best of luck. Message me if you have any other questions. Best, K
  11. This slide show is wonderful - thank you so much for sharing. Everyone looked like they had a blast...loved Grandpa on the dance floor And you looked beautiful, congratulations again.
  12. Thanks for responding - this is so helpful Can you share a few of your wedding photos with us? I can also send you my email as well...love to see other brides. Congratulations! And yes bugspray - oh my gosh.
  13. Hi everyone, I was so pleasantly surprised to get a response in the same day from Lleny regarding some questions I had about the rehearsal dinner. FYI - Nayeli is out this week so dont' even bother emailing her. Btw, the info on the shipping of items to the resort is super helpful thank you. Has anyone had a 'private rehearsal dinner'? I am planning on doing that as I want access to their projector for photo slide shows and they said those are only available to the private dinners. Another question - the dj is only allowed at CECO (inside and outside) correct? not at any of the restaurants...is that right? Is anyone else getting married in late March 2013? also, I noticed people sharing their wedding blog - here's mine: http://onthesamebranch.blogspot.com/ THANK YOU!!
  14. Can you please show us photos - i can't find yours or maybe I'm totally crossed eyed from reading this blog for hours. Hope I didn't miss it. How was the weather?? Congratulations!!
  15. Can you please show us photos - i can't find yours or maybe I'm totally crossed eyed from reading this blog for hours. Hope I didn't miss it. How was the weather?? Congratulations!!
  16. 2 randon questions ladies.... Does anyone know why they do blood tests for legal ceremonies - i presume so they know that we are not 'of relation' Also, has anyone shipped anything directly to the hotel? I have a lot of extras I bringing so wasn't sure if to take it in a suitcase or bubble wrap it to death and ship it. Thank you all!
  17. Hi Amanda, I'd start communicating with her asap - so you can start your planning as well. Plus you can give your guests as much info as possible. Now, she may not respond quickly but she will eventually and you'll feel much better. The hardest pill to swallow is not knowing where your reception will be held until 1 month prior to the wedding. EEKS! But hopefully it's your wherever your first choice is. I'm getting married March 28, 2013 Best of luck and happy fun planning!
  18. Hi! I just sent you a PM hoping that you'd be able to send me photos. Let me know. I can't recall if I gave you my gmail...sorry! But any pictures will help so much. Have a great day.
  19. Thank you so much - this was very helpful. This website is my saving grace since so much is out of our hands and I'm a control freak 'mildly' But I have to assume that they know what they're doing and this will all work out okay. Thank you again for responding!
  20. Thank you so much for the response! I finally got my response back confirming the date as she had it 'on hold' and i wasn't sure what that meant. But I will excercise patience. So hard because I have so many questions but this website has been a life savor. Can't wait to see your pics from your wedding...where are you having your reception? Best of luck - so exciting!! Kim
  21. Hi everyone! I'm getting married in March 2013 - YAY! Is anyone else experiencing the anxiety of Nayeli not responding to emails? I actually call her now (sucks for my cell phone rates) but it's the only way to get an answer. Did anyone else experience this? Also, did anyone have a rehearsal dinner? Appreciate any insight to possibly ease my worries. Best, Kim
  22. I'm getting married in EPM next March 2013 and I've been to the resort 3 times and LOVE IT. But I am having a little bit of anxiety with the lack of 'immediate' response from Nayeli. Has anyone else experienced this? If so, please ease my worries and tell me this is normal. Also, did anyone have a 'rehearsal dinner'? Thank you all!
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