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Posts posted by ExcellenceBride

  1. Originally Posted by soontobeorozco View Post



    Thank you so much! It does I started talking to the planer and its like $25 per lantern. Peir 1 having a sale so got them way cheaper. I'm so glad you posted pictures it was able to help me put my ideas together a bit better with a picture of what I wanted! Did you have your reception at the ceceo Terrece? If so how was the lighting there?

    Wow - $25 a lantern! That's insane. I bought 20 for $100 on ebay so check them out too. I did have my reception at Cecco (be sure to request the inside as well...makes a difference) Inside Cecco it's bright, normal lighting but outside (the pink lighting you saw was the DJ...I requested that) The dance floor is extra and not cheap either and so were the cold fireworks. Even the drapery over the dance floor was extra and the Tiffany chairs (but all worth it, I think)

  2. Originally Posted by soontobeorozco View Post



    Did you bring down your lanterns for your reception dinner or was the hotel able to provide them? Same with the flowers? I love your table option you did... How many people did it fit? And how many people did you have at your wedding?

    Hey! Thanks for the kinds words. I had 35 people at my wedding and each table held 17 or so per table. I pretty much brough all the decorations with me but I did leave the lanterns so they may still have them. The flowers weren't exactly what i ordered :( I was a bit disappointed with that but I also brought the mason jars with me. I left those as well so she may still have those too. I preferred the long tables - looked more elegant. Hopet this helps! Best of luck in your planning. Kim

  3. Hi ladies,

    I got married on March 28th and I've received a few emails regarding my experience so I figured I'd post here as I know how invaluable this forum is to brides to be - so here goes:


    1. Be mindful of the wind...omg, the wind. At night it drops the temps a lot.
    2. We were blessed, had beautiful weather on our wedding day so only believe the weather forescast the day of or a few days prior cause it pretty much called for rain all week. Now the day before our wedding was AWFUL. 70 and cloudy and windy. I was devastated and so worried that my wedding day was going to be the same but thank god it wasn't. Yes I prayed :)
    3. Be sure to ask to use the inside of CECCO too. They have a bar there and that's also where we had our cocktail hour with the Mexican trio.
    4. If you can, do a tasting of your meal. We also had a private rehearsal dinner at Chez Isabelle and we did a tasting of that meal and our reception dishes. Glad we did. Though they were delicious - one was very salty so we had an opportunity to let the chef know.
    5. The food on our rehearsal dinner was PERFECT. Probably everyones favorite meal of the week. It was pricey to have a private rehearsal dinner and rent equipment to play our slideshow but it was more than worth it.
    6. The dinner at the reception, although amazing, it was lukewarm :( I was so upset. But what could I do.
    7. I ended up moving the cake cutting inside after dinner and speeches (we skipped the garter and bouquet stuff...most of my folks were married. So it was great because they have couches and the bar is there. I also had my photos, relief station and flip flops for the girls inside CECCO at a table.
    8. Once dancing started, the wind was not an issue because we all warmed up and the wind calmed down.
    9. Not sure who you are using for photographers but ours was the house photographer. They were good, not great. They were also late so we have NO photos of Corey getting ready.
    10. I was also not too happy with our table floral arrangements but again, what can you do. Everyone loved how I did long tables and brought my own lanterns. In the end, no one cares. They also forgot to bring the flowers from the alter to our sweetheart table. Sigh. again, what could I do.
    11. I gotta say though, the staff that helped us during our reception were phenomenal. Amazing, amazing!
    12. Are you having a DJ? Make sure to have a playlist for him. I did...people loved the music. It'll give him a guide and he was a cool guy. When he was getting ready to play the song 'Shots' by LMAFO and Lil Wayne, he coordinated with the waiter to bring shots to all of us at the dance floor. So awesome!!!


    Below are some photos and here is a link to my FB album: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10200497604498704.1073741825.1115296839&type=1&l=7e8b7bf057





























  4. Thank you!! We had beautiful weather, thank goodness.

    Yes I did - brought most of my decorations i.e. lanterns, mason jars with me. Though I only brought back the bird cage - left the rest with Llenny. However, I don't recommend anyone shipping their decorations - bring it with you in a suitcase(s) cause you never know with customs. Plus they do not accept anything that says 'Made in China' in bulk. So better if you have it with you. I also gave all my OOT bags ahead of time to guests to get them excited and prepared for the trip versus having to lug it all to Mexico and pay the $4 fee for each delivery. It went over well. :)

    Originally Posted by clee0605 View Post

    beautiful photos!!  Did you bring the birdcage with you?? 

  5. Yes I requested the inside too b/c sometimes they'll set up a bar outside and we didn't like that. Plus I had a 'Relief Station' and Photos so we had all that inside. And there are couchees so people can chill inside if they want.

    Originally Posted by soontobeorozco View Post

    Looks beautiful! Thanks for posting. I'm having my reception at the ceco Did you have to ask for the inside also?
  6. Hey everyone!


    Just got back from my wedding at EPM - it was wonderful. happy it's over, lol but also happy to answer any questions, so feel free to ask away. I've posted photos below, if you want to see more, just let me know.


    A few important things to note:


    • Llenny is wonderful - loved her!
    • be mindful of the wind. it was beautiful during the day but the wind was crazy at night so be mindful of that when planning your reception
    • if you are having a Legal Wedding - be sure to have some music for when you and your witnesses are signing your legal documents. That takes about 5-7 minutes. Also, your signatures MUST match your passports or the document is void. Yup, it's happened before.
    • if you have a dj - have a playlist ready b/c they'll ask for it when you meet and they will follow that playlist (almost to the t - which was kinda annoying b/c I asked them not to) But DJ Mannia is good,don't get me wrong. The dancefloor was worth the extra $$$ btw
    • Also loved loved the cold fireworks on the dance floor -- totally worth it. We had them do that at the end of the first dance
    • I was a little disappointed with my flower arrangements but you get over it quickly.
    • I was also suppose to have the flowers that were at the alter moved to our sweetheart table, but that never happened :(
    • I was not happy that after the ceremony - we took photos but the guests didn't know what to do. Had to go find a wedding coordinator to direct them where to go.
    • I highly recommend if you are having your reception at CECCO - be sure to use the inside of CECCO as well. The bar inside is great and it helps if guests need to warm up or cool off
    • Here are some photos....





























































  7. Hi,

    If you do private - it'll cost you $22 a person but you can only do it in the restaurant that is closed the day that you chose to do your rehearsal dinner. I'm having mine at Chez Isabelle which I do think is the niceset (Spice Restaurant is really nice too) If you do a semi-private it's free up to 20 people and you can only do it at Agave and Toscana I believe. For mine I'm renting a projector and computer for $350 to have a slide show. Good luck! Kim

    Originally Posted by smelh324 View Post

    Hello everyone! I feel so lucky that I found this forum, I've been marathon reading through all of the posts and have found out so much valuable info from you brides and grooms!


    I'm sure I've read posts about what brides have done or plan to do for their rehearsal dinner, but there's just so much to sift through...


    Any suggestions for which restaurant might be the nicest for a private or semi-private rehearsal dinner? What details has anyone come up with to make this event special at the resort? I don't need anything too crazy, but I just want it to obviously stand out from our other dinners at the restaurants.


    Thanks for any posts in advance, Sarah  : )

  8. Originally Posted by Momoarc83 View Post


    To save money, we are renting vases and using our bridesmaid bouquets to place in them.  She quoted me at $10/vase. And, we have 9 bridesmaids and 10 tables, so it works out perfectly...because we already have a centerpiece included in our Gold Package.  We are also renting candles for each table.  3 candles for each table.


    Hello! I'm actually bringing my own lanterns so I can have candles that won't blow out and mason jars and will have her put roses and orchids in them (since they won't have hydrangeas in March...UGH!) I'm actually having long tables so I'll also have a runner. I don't think they have peonies but I will ask as that was my hope as well.  I'm getting married in March too! It's coming up now 2 months, 5 days. OMG!


    Good luck planning everyone.

  9. Originally Posted by Momoarc83 View Post


    I don't think any of the pacakges come with a private rehearsal dinner.  I bought the Gold Package and I was just quoted $22/per person for a private rehearsal dinner.



    The packages come with the option for a 'semi private rehearsal dinner' at either the Mexican or Italian restaurant. But a private one is $22 a person and even more if it's an outside of the resort guest. We are even having a slide show and to rent the projector and screen is $350. Be prepared as things add up quickly. The basics are included in the package. :)

  10. I'm so happy to hear this because I'm getting married March 28, 2013 and was wondering about the weather. Do you recall much rain? Congratulations on your April 2013 wedding. Very exciting!

    Originally Posted by Momoarc83 View Post

    My fiance and I went at the beginning of March this year.  The weather was perfect.  It was a TINY bit chilly, but not enough to wear a sweater.  And, it was only chilly if you were on the beach or dining outside at The Lobster House (which is close to beach).  I was fine with sleeveless dresses. 

  11. Hello:


    I am getting married in March 2013 and had similar questions myself. Apparently we no longer need to translate any documents. That is a recent new law in Mexico. Your passport and few other pertinent documents are needed but no longer a passport or divorce papers translated. We were happy to hear this as we are doing the civil ceremony.


    I was recently told that it's $45 per person to attend your wedding if they are not staying at the resort. Don't change your resort because of a few people...this place is amazing. We've been there 3 times. You can't please everyone. Do what's best for you and your fiance.

    Best of luck. Message me if you have any other questions. Best, K

    Originally Posted by carleyUK View Post

    Hi Ladies,


    First off let me say how beautiful all of you look in the photos ive seen so far!! amazing.


    Im looking to get married with my partner here in April 2013...got a few hesitations/queries though.


    1.Symbolic or civil ? im so worried about messing up all the paperwork and the translations and blood work etc? do you think its easier to marry before and just have the "proper" party/ceremony there. is the symbolic ceremony much different to the civil ?


    2.A few of my guests are complaining about the prices to stay here, is it possible to bring guests that arent on site to the wedding and does anyone know the cost implications of this ?


    The resort is just so fantastic that i really dont want to change because of my guests but on the other hand i would like my nearest and dearest with me on my special day.


    Any help/comments would be greatly appreciated


    thank you x

  12. This slide show is wonderful - thank you so much for sharing. Everyone looked like they had a blast...loved Grandpa on the dance floor :) And you looked beautiful, congratulations again.

    Originally Posted by Rebecca1314 View Post

    This is a link to a mini slideshow that my photographer, Lori at Sweetfire Photography, formerly partners in Moments that Matter, put together for us!




    We absolutely LOVED our wedding at the Excellence. We dealt with a slew of different coordinators (Yamina, Gustavo, Nayeli) during the planning stages, but Lleny was the actual coordinator who helped us down there. We too were frustrated by long response times with emails, but in the end everything turned out perfectly and without a hitch. The only hiccup was the rehearsal dinner, but that ended up turning out better than the original plan for the Fiesta. 

  13. Thanks for responding - this is so helpful :) Can you share a few of your wedding photos with us? I can also send you my email as well...love to see other brides. Congratulations! And yes bugspray - oh my gosh.

    Originally Posted by Rebecca1314 View Post

    I did have a private rehearsal dinner. It was held on the terrace of the French Restaurant (BEAUTIFUL!), and they closed the entire restaurant for our group. It was held there as the Fiesta (original location) was moved from the Friday that week to the Weds. as another large group was at the resort. As a result, we had the private rehearsal at no extra charge, however, I believe that there is usually a per person surcharge associated with a private event. We were able to pick a customized menu off of the same list of choices as the wedding menus. The only thing that I would note is, wherever you have your rehearsal or wedding reception, if it is outside at night....bring bugspray! We also got eaten alive both nights until the bugspray was used ;)

  14. Hi everyone,


    I was so pleasantly surprised to get a response in the same day from Lleny regarding some questions I had about the rehearsal dinner. FYI - Nayeli is out this week so dont' even bother emailing her. Btw, the info on the shipping of items to the resort is super helpful thank you.


    • Has anyone had a 'private rehearsal dinner'? I am planning on doing that as I want access to their projector for photo slide shows and they said those are only available to the private dinners.
    • Another question - the dj is only allowed at CECO (inside and outside) correct? not at any of the restaurants...is that right?
    • Is anyone else getting married in late March 2013?


    also, I noticed people sharing their wedding blog - here's mine: http://onthesamebranch.blogspot.com/



  15. Can you please show us photos - i can't find yours or maybe I'm totally crossed eyed from reading this blog for hours. Hope I didn't miss it. How was the weather??


    Originally Posted by MsBlissMpls View Post

    Thanks Ladies! It was such an amazing day. We have 402 photos from Adrian Herrera and I can't even get close to picking my favorite. As you can see I was stubborn with having my hair partially down. Common sense would have me put it in an up-do but I just couldn't do it, so I compromised (with myself) and did it half up. It worked for me even though it was blowing all over the place. I think some of the photos look extra cool with it blowing in the wind.  


    Sharon99: Your day looks so beautiful!! Can't wait to see some of your Moments that Matter photos! It looks like MTM were everywhere taking awesome shots.


    We were stopped with our OOT bag stuff at customs in Mexico as well. I had all of my receipts, but they did not even ask for them. Just said it was for a wedding and they let us through. They did dig through every inch of every bag which was annoying because they just push it aside and I had to figure out how to get it shut back up again. 

  16. Can you please show us photos - i can't find yours or maybe I'm totally crossed eyed from reading this blog for hours. Hope I didn't miss it. How was the weather??


    Originally Posted by MsBlissMpls View Post

    Thanks Ladies! It was such an amazing day. We have 402 photos from Adrian Herrera and I can't even get close to picking my favorite. As you can see I was stubborn with having my hair partially down. Common sense would have me put it in an up-do but I just couldn't do it, so I compromised (with myself) and did it half up. It worked for me even though it was blowing all over the place. I think some of the photos look extra cool with it blowing in the wind.  


    Sharon99: Your day looks so beautiful!! Can't wait to see some of your Moments that Matter photos! It looks like MTM were everywhere taking awesome shots.


    We were stopped with our OOT bag stuff at customs in Mexico as well. I had all of my receipts, but they did not even ask for them. Just said it was for a wedding and they let us through. They did dig through every inch of every bag which was annoying because they just push it aside and I had to figure out how to get it shut back up again. 

  17. Originally Posted by Amanda Gardner View Post



    How early would you recommend sending the information to the wedding coordinator? I didn't want to send to early, but also do not want to wait to late. I'm getting married march 15, 2013. Im so happy everything worked out great for you!


    Hi Amanda,


    I'd start communicating with her asap - so you can start your planning as well. Plus you can give your guests as much info as possible. Now, she may not respond quickly but she will eventually and you'll feel much better. The hardest pill to swallow is not knowing where your reception will be held until 1 month prior to the wedding. EEKS! But hopefully it's your wherever your first choice is.  I'm getting married March 28, 2013 :)


    Best of luck and happy fun planning!

  18. Originally Posted by danak71 View Post


    Hey Alexis, I was specifically interested in outside for my dinner reception so most of my questions were geared towards that but when we talked about inside we were talking about for up to 30 people for my rehearsal dinner. Here's what I have in my notes for 30 people:



    -Can do one large table outside of the restaurant

    -If inside, would be smaller tables



    -Can accommodate a large table in their private room


    Spice Terrace:

    -Can accommodate 30 people at large table for rehearsal dinner

    -100-120 people for dinner reception


    Ballroom (Inside CECO Terrace)

    -Can accommodate 60 people



    I have pictures of Spice Terrace and the Ballroom if you need them.





    I just sent you a PM hoping that you'd be able to send me photos. Let me know. I can't recall if I gave you my gmail...sorry! But any pictures will help so much. Have a great day.

  19. Thank you so much - this was very helpful. This website is my saving grace since so much is out of our hands and I'm a control freak 'mildly' :) But I have to assume that they know what they're doing and this will all work out okay. Thank you again for responding!

    Originally Posted by Ally Marquis View Post



    congrats on ur upcoming wedding.  we did have a rehersal dinner,  they had a carribean themed night on the beach. which was reservation only.  it was really cool, they only had maybe a dozen tables, buffet, bar, and a band.  you can also do it normally in any restaurant that you want. 


    we have all had troubles getting hold of nayeli.  when we were supposed  to meet with her, she sent alex another coordinator and he was awesome to work with and soo nice.  see if you can get a hold of him. 


    let me know if you

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