Sorry Sorry, I've been away too long. I was putting the welcome bags together to put in a box and take over to the FI's house tomorrow. I bought the smallest boxes to stuff the meds in, bandaids, hair ties for girls. One suncreen in each bag since I'm doing per couple and 2 keycard holders with the welcome note and wet wipes. I'm not adding much else to the bags but the tumblers and the bottles of mamajuana since my resort has sewing kits, shaving kits, etc in the rooms when you check in. I just had a panic attack and think i should probably start buying suitcases to start packing this stuff??? Next are the raffia fans to decorate, add a thank you note on it and ship away to the FI's house and get the stuff for the centerpieces/linens...oh gosh! that's another box... I'm not buying anything else! I can't imagine how I'm going to pack all of this crap! End of Rant....