I bought my bags already personalized from Vistaprint. I'm pretty happy with them. I'm making bags "per room"... so basically by couple, with some add ons for those with kids. Mine are not yet entirely complete, but I'm putting the following: Aloe Vera, mini-first aid kits, advil, tums, aveeno moisterizer (got for free), gum (in my wedding colour), Emergen-C packet, One-Step Sanitizer, single "moisterizing Wipe" (forget the brand name), Tumbler w/ straw per adult, chap stick. The kids are getting activity books w/ crayons. I still have to get my "brochures" together, which I've started on Vistaprin; that will have details for the week (any group events), details for the wedding day. I also want to put in (somewhere) a list of guests with a space where the room # can be written... so friends can find each other. I also want to pick up cards.... I'm open to adding a bit more (maybe sunglasses?) But only if I find an amazing deal. Waiting til the end of summer. Haha! Good luck! This is a fun part, that you have full control of (only stress is what you put on yourself, so ENJOY!)