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Everything posted by Saravan

  1. Hi everyone I will first start off by saying that I have never posted on any blog before but I felt the need to post here. I used this site a lot to help me plan my amazing wedding and figured it was only fair to post all of my feedback too! We just got married on Saturday 2/23 at MDC. We did a full resort takeover and had extra guests at RockHouse. Total of 74. The first thing I will say. Is totally relax. You will not be disappointed. Everything at MDC is perfect. I am writing this from my iPad in a hammock in Jamaica right now. We made the poor decision to leave MDC and go to couples swept away for 4 days after the wedding. Not that couples is not amazing but it is hard to go from MDC as the bride and go anywhere. I promise to posta full review with photos when I get back but feel the need to just tell everyone to RELAX. I was nervous too but it will be the experience of a lifetime. I cried when we got to couples because I missed all the people atMDC so much! Please feel free to send me a message if you have any questions or concerns. I will gladly help if I can. But one last thing- if you are on the fence about wedding venue- don't be- I have seen a couple other ceremonies at other Jamaican venues and I promise you this is the best! Promise to write more soon and very jealous of all you MDC brides to be. Lucky!
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