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Everything posted by KazMcG

  1. Hi! We were quoted quite high in February as well (when we first started looking), but the price is averaging the same as most other 4-5 star resorts. I made contact with a travel agent in Calgary and in Toronto (for people out east) and got the initial pricing from Canada and Ireland on facebook into the group I created for the wedding. I used Co-op travel on 52nd NE (Sunridge area) and spoke with Cathe Smith. My fiance, our 3 boys and I are booking separately. We received 20,000 air miles from my fiances parents which will cover 4 return flights. One of the boys will have to fly and stay with his grandparents or uncle because the resort wont allow us to have 5 in the room. We are going for 15 days so it may mean convincing someone to stay longer! I really only sent my save the dates out so early because most of my family is in Ireland, so I wanted to give them notice so they could plan and save. I just sent a magnet with a picture of us (I hadnt found a design that I really liked so I just picked on of www.magnetstreet.com and rolled with it. As for invites, I picked the 'love airways' invites off of the same website made a few changes but overall I love them (I am not DIY, especially with 3 little helpers - that dont help as much as confuse the situation!). I have read so much on the Majestic Colonial and we knew right away that this was where we wanted to get married. These forums are so helpful and I am getting so many good ideas. You should check out the Majestic Colonial Brides group on facebook too. Have fun planning and if there is anything I can help you with please PM me!
  2. Hi! I'm getting married at the Majestic Colonial Resort in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic on 17 May, 2013. Beach wedding at 1pm, cruise up the Bavaro coast is set from 2-5pm (cocktail hour), dinner at 6.30-8pm and party after. I sent out the save the dates in March/April, I just sent out my invitations last week (only because they are going to Ireland and beyond) I have ordered my dress, bridesmaids dresses have been picked. Favors havent been ordered, but we were going to get the travel mugs and other bits from Factory21 on ebay as well, but closer to the date so we know how many to order. We have an RSVP date of March 1st to plan accordingly!
  3. May 17, 2013 @ 1pm on the Beach! Still so many options to consider.
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