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Everything posted by Ladystardust

  1. I get married on 8th October so not long now. Its gone so quick. I bet you are so excited xx
  2. Hi as long as all your party have booked through the same operator you should have no problems. I booked through Thomas Cook and I am entitled to the unlimited event. However thr buffets outdoors are a minimum of 20 people and they will charge you for the difference. Unless of course you drag d some unsuspecting members of the public along for the meal lol x
  3. hey have you managed to find the "pictures of different areas of the moon palace"page and also read the reviews for the hotel; there are loads of pics of receptions on there x Congrats on your wedding date xxx
  4. Hi Yazmin, does that mean you would not have to pay the vendor fee? Have you got a website?
  5. lol this thread is great, its a nightmare having to continuously post to try and get a look at a file Good work girls xxx
  6. I've ordered from an outside florist, and was thinking that one of the guests can set them up for me. They will be in vases so just need to be placed on the table. I was thinking of having decorations from Zuniga who also charge $150 for set up but that's just a one off cost. I'm really fretting now that they will try and charge $500 ;(
  7. Congratulations Airica26 you looked amazing and thank you for a fantastic review
  8. Hi Charlene, we are still considering this as well as no one can give you a straight answer about what we are supposed to do. I was going to send an email to the hotel to find out what they expect us to do as I'm sure I received something saying that they do offer the translation. I know for definate they translate your wedding cert for a fee. I will get on the case and let you know what I find out x
  9. No problem, the UK stuff is a nightmare lol. When you order your b/cert from the GRO its £9.25 and can take a month to arrive
  10. No problem, the UK stuff is a nightmare lol. When you order your b/cert from the GRO its £9.25 and can take a month to arrive
  11. Hi Charlene, the full birth certificate will have all your parents details on it apparently; Here is some info that i found A short birth certificate only shows the name, date of birth, sex and registration district. A full birth certificate is a copy of the entry in the register, and includes everything shown on a short certificate, but also includes parents' details and the child's place of birth. Hope this helps as all the legal stuff is so confusing. Has anyone been told that they need to get their b/c translated into Spanish before we leave?? I will check with the Moon Palace as im sure they offer the translation
  12. Hi Charlene, the full birth certificate will have all your parents details on it apparently; Here is some info that i found A short birth certificate only shows the name, date of birth, sex and registration district. A full birth certificate is a copy of the entry in the register, and includes everything shown on a short certificate, but also includes parents' details and the child's place of birth. Hope this helps as all the legal stuff is so confusing. Has anyone been told that they need to get their b/c translated into Spanish before we leave?? I will check with the Moon Palace as im sure they offer the translation
  13. Hi Leigh; Congrats on your 2014 wedding I sent mine to the foreign office. you download a form and you can pay online. its £30 per doc plus £6 postage for Fedex. They send it back in a matter of days https://www.gov.uk/get-document-legalised. make sure you have the full birth certificate done and not the short one
  14. Hi Leigh; Congrats on your 2014 wedding I sent mine to the foreign office. you download a form and you can pay online. its £30 per doc plus £6 postage for Fedex. They send it back in a matter of days https://www.gov.uk/get-document-legalised. make sure you have the full birth certificate done and not the short one
  15. Hi girls Has anyone got any evening shots of the bugambilia terrace. Im trying to work out what sort of lighting we will need for the reception
  16. Hi girls Has anyone got any evening shots of the bugambilia terrace. Im trying to work out what sort of lighting we will need for the reception
  17. Hi Kelly, I think the hotel charges $500 for an outside photographer. we are booking Ivan Luckie and will be buying a nights stay. Sometimes they allow the day pass but more often they dont xx
  18. Hi Kelly, I think the hotel charges $500 for an outside photographer. we are booking Ivan Luckie and will be buying a nights stay. Sometimes they allow the day pass but more often they dont xx
  19. After weeks of trying to come up with my perfect playlist, i think i am finally there. Hopefully if i dont change my mind again we are going to have Entrance Bridal Party - Marry Me - Train Bride - May it Be - Enya Signing - Im Yours/Over the Rainbow - Straight No Chaser Recessional - Rule The World - Take That
  20. We are getting married at 3pm, have tried to change it to 4pm but they are not having any of it lol.. Hoping for cocktail hour at 4pm then maybe reception either 5.30 or 6pm til about 8. May then go for a few drinks somewhere or pass out lol xxx
  21. Ive sent you a message on facebook hun, ive got the brochure if you want it but it wouldnt let me send over xxx
  22. thanks for the info Jackie, cant wait to see some photos. How did it go xxx
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