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Everything posted by uhura526

  1. So they don't do the glass beads? I also think they look more luxurious. However, I don't think you should nix them. Even if they do use the plastic, I still think it looks nice!
  2. yes! That's exactly what I thought and I went ahead and sent them this photo with the mark up (I know it's messy) but I hope they get the idea of where I'm going with this. Also, here's a photo of the back of the dress along with the original below.
  3. Okay ladies, I got my mid-production photos of my dress yesterday from Jasmine's. I looked it at with my MOH and my initial reaction was, something ain't right about it and also why does it look like it's got no shape? I mean the bodice doesn't exactly have that hourglass look I expected so does this have to do with my shape? I have no idea. I did custom measurements but I also tried on the original dress and it definitely gave me that hourglass shape that I wanted. I think also the rouching in the bodice is wrong in the front. Any help would be well received and appreciated. Thanks!
  4. She might be on vacation. Apparently, it seems that most of the wedding industry from DJs to wedding planners are gone for the entire month of September because it's hurricane season and very slow for weddings and tourism in Grand Cayman. My planner is out until Oct 2nd and has been away since Sept 10th. I do not think anyone is even "manning the fort" while she's away because I've had to do some changes in my photographer and stuff on my own because she wasn't there to broker it. I'd say you might here from her in a few weeks' time. Did you try to call?
  5. OH NO!! This is not good. I hope they can fix it too. Also switching your consultant half way through is definitely not a good thing. I am working with Lisa. I believe the rosettes can be removed though. Is that the only that has changed from the original mid production dress that you saw? I hope so.
  6. my mom is also doing knee length and actually she is a huge fan of the dress that Michelle Obama wore for her convention speech. Imagine her glee when she found out that the dress will be sold to us common folks most likely in Neiman Marcus! So, she is holding out for that moment. In the mean time we are still looking at cocktail dresses. I guess something you would wear on "Captain's Night" on a cruise or something along those lines.
  7. here's a clip (not of the guy who will be playing at our wedding) but it's an example. I loved it! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QgYaoPdMMJ0
  8. I am having a steel drum player during my ceremony and I think I would like him to play "Is It Love" by Bob Marley. He will also be playing during our cocktail hour. My family is West Indian so we have to have a steel drum somewhere in the mix at my Caribbean wedding!
  9. So I have now decided that I am sending my invitations out in early November instead of January. My mom pointed out to me that there are quite a few old school family members and old family friends of my parents that do not do the internet. Meaning, they haven't bothered to check out our wedding website. As a result, I have added an insert to go with my wedding invitations with detailed hotel information and pricing information. I do believe for the most part that most of our invited guests will use the internet and check out the website to guide them in making their travel plans, but I think the earlier sending of the invites with the February 1st RSVP by date will work out better and we'll actually know more about who will be coming sooner than later. If we do early November, then we won't have to worry about X-mas cards getting into the mix. Another question I have for you Grand Cayman brides, do people really bring gifts and cards to a destination wedding?? Also what are your plans for the day after the wedding?
  10. MissKoralK: Wow that does make a difference! Good looking out! I also think your changes are much better. Gorgeous dress! I also wonder if they charged you more for that change
  11. I love the beading and design. They did a nice job on the dress. I can't see any issues with it on my end. Also, thanks for the headsup about the plastic beads. Mine also has a lot of beading on it and I will make sure to pay attention to what they use. I am also a "Pronovias" knock off bride!
  12. Jasmine's does it again! They did amazing work on your dress and you look beautiful! I am so excited to get mine! I just ordered my dress last Monday.
  13. yeah I agree, after the holidays is probably the best bet to send out the invitations. For a May wedding, your save the dates should go out ASAP. There would be no point to doing a save the date if you are sending out invitations like a month later (in November). Anyway, they will definitely get lost in the Christmas card shuffle. I usually don't even open up every envelope I get for Christmas cards and I think a lot of others do the same lol But if you don't plan to send out STDs until October, then sending out invites in January is fine.
  14. Okay we are getting married April 19th. We sent out our STD's August 22nd. We have had a few people use the RSVP tool on our wedding website and they are already booked which equated to having 4 out of the 8 room minimum we need to have booked for our hotel block at Sunshine Suites. I planned to send out our invitations right after the holidays, first week of January with an RSVP by date of February 1st. I don't want my invites to get lost in the christmas card black hole so I am waiting until after christmas. Anyway, everyone would have known about the wedding by that point for at least several month so I figure they will know by January if they can make an April trip to Grand Cayman. I am not going to get myself worked up over this as long as we meet our minimum hotel block (which I am certain we will) I really don't care who shows up outside of our immediate family. Icing on the cake outside of them is fine.
  15. I love the sign too! I may private message you regarding Deckers but I was thinking we might do something ultra casual for our welcome party and do something at Royal Palms. My Fiance and I always go there when we're in Grand Cayman to chill out and they have food platters and stuff. We are having a very small group..like 30 people or less. BTW, how long did it take after you sent out your Save The Dates did people begin booking or RSVPing? I'm saying before they get their invitation. Also, how far out is everyone planning to send their invitations?
  16. I agree, there's no way to tell because we don't know how big your boob are and how it fit on you. You could always use a push up bra if necessary. And if it is too much fabric you could have a local tailor fix the sweetheart for you. Here's the original so you can compare:
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