Yes, pretty recent -- it shows up in a few of the reviews from the last few months. We're expecting about 80 people next March, and we're using a travel agent. They are syaing that we're getting 20% off of the quoted rates from the resort -- I have no idea if it's a good deal. I think the deluxe is going to be 727/pp for 3 nights (so ~240 per night per person), and the junior suite is about $100 more. Were your guests happy with the deluxe suites? Did you get a big price difference in negotiating yours? I feel like I should have held out a little longer in signing the contract -- I keep reading about these cheap "bride's rehearsals" that Karisma gives to "potential" brides (4 days/3 nights for $300 to taste everything and view all of the resorts), but we got no deal at all on our site visit because we had already signed the contract! Anyway, I'm definitely excited, but if I were to do it over again I would have tried much harder to negotiate! I feel like my travel agent works with Karisma so much that she's basically more their advocate than mine and hasn't been helpful in getting us good deals/incentives.