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Everything posted by karyc

  1. to any knowledgeable and or past brides -- do you have to use the 4-top square tables (pushed together) at blue terrace, or do they allow you to use round tables? i am just realizing that table-seating arrangements will be easier and more flexible with round tables than with those that only seat 6 and are rectangular....
  2. to any knowledgeable and or past brides -- do you have to use the 4-top square tables (pushed together) at blue terrace, or do they allow you to use round tables? i am just realizing that table-seating arrangements will be easier and more flexible with round tables than with those that only seat 6 and are rectangular....
  3. i love these! i am now going to spend the rest of the workday hunting for those little photo books!
  4. fyi, i just learned that there's a costco (and a walmart and a sams club) in downtown cancun - might be helpful for some of the non-personalized items for OOT bags! apparently they have a lot of the same things as costcos in the us/canada.
  5. this is seriously the best news i've ever heard. i'd been really worried about how to handle customs for all of the random OOT bag items!
  6. i think three? one for guests, one for groom, one for bride? good question, i hadn't really thought about...
  7. do you just use the same membership card for us costcos in order to get into the cancun one?
  8. totally agree! it's insane how expensive the in-country weddings can be! we're doing an all-inclusive resort, and one expense i was NOT expecting for the destination wedding is paying for people's food at the "private event" wedding reception -- seems crazy given that everyone has technically "paid" for their food, no?
  9. a nice idea that i'm going to use is doing one of those sand ceremonies -- and then have all of your guests put a bit of sand in your container of choice before you and your fiance put it in. i haven't come up with the wording we're going to use yet, but you can say something about how all of those guests help to form part of the foundation of your relationship....
  10. yeah i agree. i was just doing a site visit and saw two weddings while we were there, and it seemed to work just fine to have just a 4 hour reception. people had a lot of fun, but it's not like your typical wedding where people are seeing each other for the first time in ages -- they have already been spending tons of time together. i think a good way to think of it is that the whole week/weekend is sort of your wedding celebration, so the length of the reception itself is not such a big deal?
  11. for what it's worth, my wedding is in about 4.5 months, and i just booked my OWN room and flight this weekend. i think only 2 other people have booked. i definitely don't think youneed to be concerned that no one will come just because they haven't booked 7 months in advance!
  12. i was just reading on another thread about the polaroid guest book idea, which can be fun for guests and an opportunity to get a little sillyl?
  13. i've been wondering the same thing. we were looking at flying to belize from cancun (which are SO close to one another) but it's absurdly expensive - so now we're thinking about staying in mexico, but no idea where...
  14. seriously. i can't believe how hard it is to get to 150.
  15. oh i found the seller. thanks so much for sharing this!
  16. i LOVE this! we have a corgi-dachsund mix and looks so much like your dog! where did you get this?
  17. that's good to know! i definitely hope people are upfront about it and it's not something i find out about after they've already booked other accommodations. glad to hear it worked with your guests!
  18. hi tammy - is there any way you can make the list available to more people? thanks!
  19. does anyone know of a good vendor to work with to design the cups/koozies/etc?
  20. i like the idea of some of the bejeweled flip flops or the barefoot jewelry, but i'm worried about them getting caught or snagging on my dress? but i am having a hard time coming up with an alternative other than just completely plain flip flops?
  21. for people getting flipl flops for favors, how does that work? do you ask all of your guests for their shoe sizes?
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