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About MrsBhatia

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  1. Hi all, I have today received a completed purchase order from Elvia. Having a complimentary symbolic wedding. But she asks for payment for extras before we arrive? Not comfortable about this as I've heard bad things about sending CCrd details. So I'm hoping to add on extras when we get there. Has anyone else done this? I hope I can get what I need. Looking to add on horse & carriage & photos.
  2. Your wedding photos are great, which photographer on resort did you use?
  3. Looks amazing! Renewing our vows in August & after being let down by the horse & carriage company on my wedding day. I cannot wait to have one for the renewal x
  4. Thank you, do you or anyone know how I can get in touch with them to find out?
  5. Hi everyone, I've just joined, this website is so helpful! Me and hubby are celebrating our 10 yes being married and are celebrating by visiting moon palace again where we honeymooned. We decided to renew our vows while we are there and our symbolic wedding is booked for 23.08.12 at 5pm. We have no guests, just the two of us. Id love to hear from anyone who did something similar. And does anyone know if we can use resort credits towards any type of photography. Joannis does not give me a clear reply?
  6. Hi, just joined & finding this site very informative. Me & hubby are celebrating 10 years being married. & decided to re-visit moon palace where we had our honeymoon. Whilst there we are renewing our vows. Have chosen the complimentary package & we have no guests. Just wondered if anyone else will be or has done similar.
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