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Everything posted by FranksJewel

  1. Hey Brandie- Congratualtions!! Sounds like it was everything you dreamed of. Any thoughts oor suggestions you can share I would love to hear all about it! We leave in just a couple days Julie 11-21-2012
  2. Wow Ladies- Please tell me I'm not the only one who thought I would be a perfectly calm bride to be before we leave for the big day and have now realized I am starting to feel those anxieties creeping on in....eek!! SO EXCITED AND NERVOUS... What does everyone have left to do?? Julie 11-21-2012
  3. Wow ladies- It looks like we are all in the home stretch. It's too bad our trips all didn't overlap by even just one day so we could meet. What will we do with all our time in December ? LOL Julie 11-21-2012
  4. Hi Dana- I'm so excited for you! I sent you my email address so let me know if you get it. That would be so great to hear how everything goes. I'm sure it will be PERFECT! What day are you leaving to come home? We arrive on the 17th. I would go with the speaker dock and your own music too that way you can be in control! I believe the show is at 9:30. They have a "kids dance" each night at 8:30 and then the shows are after. Your beach reception after is sounding so perfect...think I may have to hit the fiance up on that one :-) Who is your WC? Ours is Emma and she has been wonderful. Did you do OOT bags? Julie 11-21-2012
  5. Hi Dana- I have the same questions. We are getting married there as well. How long are you there for? We arrive Nov. 17th. We also are using La Fondu and have 20 guests (kids included) we decided as well that it was too pricy so we were going to do the drinks after dinner and then see the evening show. How is planning? I can't believe it's almost here! Julie 11-21-2012
  6. I have the same problem....What is a signature song??? When does that play? I picked Wedding party Walk- Marry me by Train Bride walk- God Bless the Broken Road- Rascal Flatts Signature song-???? Finish Ceremony- God Gave me You - Blake Shelton
  7. Shan - You sound like me! I have 3 of the 4 but I can't figure out the Signiture song. The stress of being a bride lol
  8. Hi ladies- Can't believe the countdown is on... Just wondering what songs everyone is using for the ceremony? Our WC told us to pick 4 Wedding party walk Bride walk Siganture Song Finish Ceremony song Julie 11-21-2012
  9. Hi ladies- Can't believe the countdown is on... Just wondering what songs everyone is using for the ceremony? Our WC told us to pick 4 Wedding party walk Bride walk Siganture Song Finish Ceremony song Julie 11-21-2012
  10. When I just saw your post of 59 days with a big old ahhhh I can relate. I had my first "wedding nightmare" last night. Woke up this morning and realized omg it's going to be here before we all know it!! YAY!
  11. Check out Grand Sunset Princess Resort. This is where we are having ours. They have swim up rooms! good luck Julie 11-21-2012
  12. Try bookit.com. We found great deals for everyone with hotel as well. Julie 11-21-2012 Playa Del Carmen
  13. Hi- I believe we pay it 30 days before the day? I was going to email Emma and ask her. What 4 songs have you ladies all picked for your ceremony? I'm working on that now. Hope all the planning is going great Julie 11-21-2012
  14. Shan- We are going to be right near each other. We are getting married 11-21 in Playa del carmen. Flying into Cancun as well so I hear you on the ticket prices...ouch! How's planning going?
  15. Superjdub- no worries...I actually emailed Emma and found out she was still there. I know they have so many E names there. ha ha Do you have photos of attire your guys wore? I am really struggling with this one. thanks
  16. Wow when did Emma leave? this is news to me so now I see why I haven't been getting answers. Should I be worried???
  17. Shelbi- Just an fyi...I found GREAT wedges at Davids Bridal (they are called Love) It seems a lot of you are bringing in photographers? I was just planning on using the one from the resort since their work seems great and they know the resort and coordinators well. thoughts?
  18. We are coming in on November 17th...wedding is November 21st - We are just going to miss each other. It's so hard to plan from a far but I have been enjoying it. Did you set your hair appointment up yet? What time did you decide on? We are doing the Dinner at La Fondu after the ceremony and then plan on just hanging out with everyone relaxing/drinking etc.
  19. Hi Vancity bride = I so appreciate you helping me out. It's crazy how many questions you can have. What did your husband wear for the wedding? Did he wear sandles or closed shoes? We were going to put my fiance and boys in nice sandals but we read that in the restarants they had to be closed toe shoes. Is this true?
  20. HI ladies- If you have a Meijers by you, I just bought my Oot bags...got them for $6.00 each. Huge Green and white beach bags. All their bags are 75% off- couldn't beat it!
  21. So what is everyone's grooms wearing? Where did you get it???
  22. Hi Everyone- I am new to the site...and just found you all. We are getting married November 2012 as well in Playa del Carmen. Hoping to meet new friends and get some great ideas.
  23. Vacinity Bride- How many songs did you have for the ceremony? Did you have them on CD or IPod? Did you talk with them on when to start the songs? Sorry for so many questions Thanks
  24. It seems there are a lot of different threads going about the resort so I thought maybe I'd put one entire one together so we can all chat and enjoy planning for our special days! ***Getting married November 2012 at Grand Sunset/Princess Resort***
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