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Everything posted by LoriGran

  1. Very nice!!!! Are you doing everything spanish and English? Half my guests speak English and half Spanish I'm debating if I should do half and half but that might be too much work!
  2. T That's awesome!!! You are definitely ahead of the game! I can't wait to start planning all the details but I haven't booked my room yet. What location are you getting married at and what package did you pick? I'm having such a hard time deciding on the package because we were gonna go with the mint breeze and during our site visit we weren't too thrilled with the banquet hall and saw a reception in one of the Grills and we looved it but we are estimating about 60 guests
  4. Just a quick suggestion.... For those ladies who have kids coming to the wedding (might even be good for couple oot bag too) .. Something to consider adding to your oot bags may be swimming tubes .. During my site visit, I noticed A LOT of people at the beach and pool with tubes/rafts and I was sooo jealous i didnt have one that I wanted to run and buy one at the shop but was not willing to pay $18 for a raft I can get for $3 here. With that said I went to Deals and picked up 10 tubes for the kids for $1 each. They were kinda small but hey it will do the job. LOL
  5. Thanks ladies!! I can go onto the Barcelo thread and know exactly the locations the girls are asking about! Zenman, yes I was able to meet with my WC, we pretty much have the major details worked out like locations and wedding package.. I have to wait till I book my flight and room to start with the smaller a details. I'm just happy it's finally coming along!
  6. Just returned from my site visit at the Barcelo Maya Palace in Riviera Maya!! I'm sooo happy i went because I 100% made the right choice... it is beautiful!!! Now that everything is confirmed my STDs have officially been ordered!!!!
  7. Hello Brides, I am sooo excited, I am just hours away from my trip to Riviera Maya. It will be my first time in Mexico and I am going on a site visit to the Barcelo Maya Palace. I am getting married there July 25, 2014. Just a quick question for those who have traveled to Mexico, do I need to do a currency exchange and where should I do that? I will be posting tons of pictures upon my return for those brides getting married at this resort!
  8. How exciting!!!! YESS we probably will run into each other! Happy Wedding day!!!!!
  9. Are you in North Jersey!! I went to that dollar tree tooooo!!!! LOL
  10. Sorry for the delay. I happen to have a Deals about 5 min from my house and they still had clear ones left.
  11. Woohoo Thank Ladies!!! Just went and bought 16 clear tumblers! I'm done shopping for tumblers! LOL
  12. I'm going to keep looking too! lol I bought blue ones but I think I will just have to get clear ones.. they still had those left. Will it look silly if I have 2 different color tumblers?
  13. THANKS!!! I agree, yea I think people will use the maracas more.. I'll still do the streamers and just leave it up to the guests to do what they want with them! lol
  14. I'm on the same boat! I decided on doing tumblers last minute I was able to pick up 21 from 3 different dollar trees but I need more and now I can't find any! I was thinking of just waiting till next spring/summer to get the last few that I need but what if they don't have them next year???
  15. Woohoo!!! Yay to the dress!! I can't believe I was going to wait to go shopping around Oct/Nov! I made my appointment to go try on dresses the second week of August... I can't wait!!!!!
  16. Yay!! The maracas are super popular for wedding favors, I didn't want to run the risk of waiting till next year to order and them being sold out!
  17. Of course!! They are from Amols.com very inexpensive. $1.95/pair
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