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Everything posted by Jules11912

  1. Allie, does your company have a website, or is there any way I could see pricing? I LOVE this idea!!!
  2. Hey everyone, I'm new to this board but have read many posts already. You all have some great feedback and I look forward to all your help. I'm getting marry in November and currently I'm trying to get my photographer and invitations squared away. Besides that I feel a little lost, I haven't found a good timeline for DW's and I'm not sure where I should be and what should be done already! Anyone have a good timeline or some direction they could share... I'm less than 6 months and I feel like I've done nothing! Thanks in advance!
  3. Hey ladies, I'm new to this board but have have read through MANY posts and it seems like everyone is very helpful. I'm getting married at the suites on 11/9/12 and I feel like I have so much to do. My latest stress is photography and invitations. I'm leaning toward Misha Earle for photography if she can customize the package a little... Maybe take out some of the aspects we don't need. Invitations, well I don't know, I really don't want to spend a lot but can't seem to find what I like. With a little less than 6 months to go- what else should I be working on? I haven't found a good timeline that's appropriate for destination weddings. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!! Thanks in advance.
  4. Hey ladies, I'm new to this board but have have read through MANY posts and it seems like everyone is very helpful. I'm getting married at the suites on 11/9/12 and I feel like I have so much to do. My latest stress is photography and invitations. I'm leaning toward Misha Earle for photography if she can customize the package a little... Maybe take out some of the aspects we don't need. Invitations, well I don't know, I really don't want to spend a lot but can't seem to find what I like. With a little less than 6 months to go- what else should I be working on? I haven't found a good timeline that's appropriate for destination weddings. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!! Thanks in advance.
  5. Hey ladies, I'm new to this board but have have read through MANY posts and it seems like everyone is very helpful. I'm getting married at the suites on 11/9/12 and I feel like I have so much to do. My latest stress is photography and invitations. I'm leaning toward Misha Earle for photography if she can customize the package a little... Maybe take out some of the aspects we don't need. Invitations, well I don't know, I really don't want to spend a lot but can't seem to find what I like. With a little less than 6 months to go- what else should I be working on? I haven't found a good timeline that's appropriate for destination weddings. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!! Thanks in advance.
  6. Hey ladies, I'm new to this board but have have read through MANY posts and it seems like everyone is very helpful. I'm getting married at the suites on 11/9/12 and I feel like I have so much to do. My latest stress is photography and invitations. I'm leaning toward Misha Earle for photography if she can customize the package a little... Maybe take out some of the aspects we don't need. Invitations, well I don't know, I really don't want to spend a lot but can't seem to find what I like. With a little less than 6 months to go- what else should I be working on? I haven't found a good timeline that's appropriate for destination weddings. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!! Thanks in advance.
  7. Hey ladies, I'm new to this board but have have read through MANY posts and it seems like everyone is very helpful. I'm getting married at the suites on 11/9/12 and I feel like I have so much to do. My latest stress is photography and invitations. I'm leaning toward Misha Earle for photography if she can customize the package a little... Maybe take out some of the aspects we don't need. Invitations, well I don't know, I really don't want to spend a lot but can't seem to find what I like. With a little less than 6 months to go- what else should I be working on? I haven't found a good timeline that's appropriate for destination weddings. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!! Thanks in advance.
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