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Everything posted by EmJcox

  1. EmJcox


    May I ask about the budget for the guests? I am planning my wedding, and I'm not set on a location (Jamaica, Mexico, etc) I just am looking for a nice resort, but it is more my friends and family that I need to make sure it isn't too expensive for. Do you know how much it costs for one of the guests? (Sorry to ask)
  2. Just wanted to say Hi. My fiance and I are planning our wedding for November 2013. I have started to plan a little early for financial reasons, and wanting to give people extra time.... and I have already run into a couple snags, so I thought this would be a great place to gain some insight, advice and gather information. Congrats to everyone and their engagement, Emily
  3. Hello fellow brides or brides-to-be.... I will start by saying congrats on the engagement or wedding.... and beg and plead for ANY help. Any advice is welcomed and will be extremely helpful. My fiance and I went down to the Grand Sunset Princess in January and fell in love with the resort. The food was good, but more importantly they have a 'restaurant' on the beach where we could do the ceremony and eat at the outdoor restaurant. We did some research and were told that going in November is the cheapest time to go. We have some rich(er) friends and some 'struggling' friends. We want all of our friends and family to go, and we also want to have a nice wedding (of course). I went to a travel agent at flight center (it was easy) and she came back with a price that was WAY too much, and WAY more than we paid for our trip before (it wasn't a last minute deal)... but she also said that a lot of the wholesalers jack up prices for weddings because they know people HAVE to be at a certain resort at a certain time. So having said all that, down to my question..... How did you guys book your weddings? Any tips? Any travel agents you have found that are more helpful? Less helpful? How do I get to have my wedding at a nice resort without having to ask my friends to pay a stupid amount??? HELP ME PLEASE!!! (side note: If it helps, the majority of us will be leaving from Toronto, however my family and some friends will be going from Vancouver, and even a couple from Calgary). We are looking to keep the regular room, including taxes, at about $1000. Others can get a platinum room or something, but I need to have a $1000 option for a select few. If you have other resorts you may recommend at that price point, let me know!!! Thanks everyone!!!
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