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JG Corona

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About JG Corona

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  1. Hello, Yes same here we were together up until 2:00 pm then I went to the spa and he went off with the boys... My cake didn't come out like I wanted it was falling to one side but some people thought it was suppose to look that way...? I just had them take it to the back because it looked funny I put a picture of us on the table instead and two Hello Kitty wedding dolls which looked cute I had ...always have a back up plan just in case Overall everything was great Julie
  2. To see our wedding video copy and paste the following: JG Wedding 2012 @ Barcelo Bavaro Palace Deluxe -- enter this into Google and it should come up. Enjoy!!! Julissa Corona
  3. Hello Again, My advice to all the Future BBPD Brides is just to stay organized and bring your own little details like Johanna and I did, we brought our program fans, orange umbrellas, welcome bags, souvenirs, I brought my own centerpieces, the littlest things do make a difference when they are setting up the ceremony and reception area. Also arrive two - three days before to have time to talk to the coordinator and to receive your guests that usually arrive 2 days prior to the wedding. Relax and Enjoy as much as you can because at the end of the day it just all turns out to be perfect! Johanna looked amazing too =) We were in the Salon getting our hair and make up done together =) Julissa Corona
  4. Hello Ladies, I posted our wedding video on you tube =) Enjoy!
  5. Hello Ladies, I posted our wedding video on you tube =) Enjoy!
  6. Everything turned out so beautiful...not to worry Future B B P D Brides...The Wedding Department has everything under control Susanna Dever's my Wedding Coordinator did such a great job with our wedding...I"m so happy, please forgive her if she doesn't answer back your e-mails right away she is very busy and she has over 500 e-mails a day she showed me plus planning all of our weddings...but trust me when its your turn she will make it happen don't worry...just trust her she is wonderful and enjoys what she is doing...bring all the little details that is what I did such as souvenirs, fans, little bubbles, guest book, ribbon in your colors any little accent you want to add to your wedding bring it its better, because its easier to find here in the US... Good Luck and Relax!!! I'm posting my wedding video on you tube within the next few hours its still uploading Thank You Ladies for the Info & BBPD & Susanna Dever's for the Best Wedding Ever!!! Love Julissa Corona
  7. Thank You...add me on Facebook Ill be posting pics up their Good luck to you too...the last three weeks are the craziest trying to get everything ready...I'm all packed and ready to go...leaving at 5:00 am tomorrow morning Wish me luck! Thanks! Julie
  8. Cool!! I'll see you their, when do you leave to DR ? I"m leaving in a couple of hours... Hey!!! Stop by the Beach Gazebo at 6:00 pm on Saturday so you can get the full effect of everything Julissa Corona.
  9. Hello Future BBPD Brides I'm next in line, my wedding is on Saturday 9-29-2012 and I'm leaving tomorrow to DR...I'm happy and nervous all at the same time, I'm all packed, I have a meeting tomorrow with Susana...we are suppose to finish all the final details at this meeting I hope everything turns out the way I imagine it...I'm also praying for a beautiful sunny day because the ceremony is at the Gazebo by the beach. I'll take lots of pictures and post them on our wedding Facebook page so if you would like to see them just add me jgwedding2012 on Facebook...just let me know your from the Barceló Bavaro Forum...so I make sure to add you! Wish me luck!!! Thank You for all the information you girls have shared it really helps when planning a destination wedding to share experiences this way we can all learn from each other Take Care and Good Luck... Julissa Corona
  10. Our's is a Symbolic Wedding...We already got legally married here in NY, I"ll bring my marriage license just in case... and good thing I'm arriving on Wednesday just in case its 3 days before the wedding, which is Saturday Thanks Again!
  11. Thank You for the feedback...I feel better now...because I'm arriving 3 days before the wedding and I guess that's when I'll sit down with Susana and tighten everything up...but you know how it is its a little stressful not knowing certain things...since we want everything to turn out fabulous at the end...Thanks Again...if you can post some pictures so we can see...Thanks!
  12. Wow! That looks so beautiful...Where was the reception ?
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