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Katie Taylor

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Everything posted by Katie Taylor

  1. Hi there, I hope I can help you with some of your queries as I got married at EMP last month! 1. We went for civil ceremony but I was also scared of all the paperwork. Basically a copy of your birth certificate and passport has to be emailed to the wedding planner up to 6 weeks before you fly out (your travel agent does this for you). The day after you arrive you'll see a doctor at the hotel who is really nice and he takes bloods which doesn't hurt and it didn't even leave a bruise and I mark really easily! If you ask for an English speaking judge to perform your ceremony you don't have to pay translations fees. The marriage certificate you get in Mexico is all legal and doesn't even need registering in the UK no fees at all. Our wedding co-ordinator was Llenny Gomez <[email protected]>; and she's brilliant, replies within 48hrs and knows her stuff! 2. It is really expensive for guests to stay - there was a hotel right next door which was much cheaper than EMP but I can't remember the name. Llenny might be able to give you their details. You can buy event passes for guests for $125 which lets them in 1hr before wedding up to the end of your reception. Hope this helps, you have plenty of time so don't worry too much. I just turned up and went with the flow
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