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Everything posted by Lizrmt

  1. My FI totally doesn't get the planning process, he's to the point of yelling at me every time he catches me on this website... He thinks it's a waste of time, we're going to a beach there's nothing left to do... He soooo doesn't get it!
  2. If money was no object I would cancel my DW, hire a wedding planner here and have the hugest most fabulous wedding close to home (that way my gramma could come)!
  3. 150 seems so far away!!! Grrr!
  4. I really liked the Italian mamma! Too funny!
  5. My mom hates my wedding too, she has made it very clear that she will not spend the money to come, and my opinion is if you're going to wine and complain the whole time then you're uninvited! My sister also complained at the beginning, when I told her she was uninvited she quickly changed her tune!
  6. We are not giving our parents gifts, but I do think we'll get a photo framed for them when we get back.
  7. I also bought the girls necklace and earring sets (store closing sale $3.00 a set).
  8. We are paying for the guys shirts (only because they were custom ordered) and I bought the flower girl dress (I found the perfect dress on clearance for $12). The bridesmaids will pay for their own dresses (they can actually wear them again) and the guys will pay for their own pants. If finances allow we are going to treat the boys to a day of deep sea fishing and the girls a day at the spa!
  9. I feel your pain! Most people have been really great, but a few people just can't except the idea of paying to attend my wedding. One of those being my own mother! Constant complaining that she can't afford to go, and she doesn't want to leave her dog at a kennel.... Blah, blah, blah! Long story short, my moms not coming and I'm kinda glad she's not because she would make the whole week miserable for everyone, especially me. She's just one of those people that would complain about everything... It's too hot, the food sucks, etc.
  10. Hahaha I love the bring candy tip! I'll definitely have to remember that one!
  11. Hello Ladies! Another Dominican bride here, getting married Jan 2013 in Peurta Plata.
  12. I would start off talking to the people you really want to come (parents, siblings, best friends,etc.) to get an idea of what they can afford (how much is too much) and go from there. Tell your travel agent what the maximum is and see what they can come up with.
  13. Your pics came out great! Did you hire a photographer to take them or did you use a regular underwater camera?
  14. My advice is talk to a travel agent! I really wanted Punta Cana too but opted for Puerta Plata instead ($500 cheaper per person!)
  15. Are there any past or future Be Live Grand Marien brides out there?
  16. Hello ladies, newbie here, long time stalker of BDW! Those of you looking for photobooks on groupon, they are currently being offered in Barrie, ON.
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