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Everything posted by Lizrmt

  1. That pic is so Cooool! Who needs pro engagement pics when you have that, it's awesome!
  2. I love these pics! I don't know if I would spend the money to bring this photographer with me to a DW though. I guess it depends how much he was charging to go?
  3. Glad to hear that after a year your pics were still "useful"!
  4. Love the pics, you look like a model in several of them... absolutely gorgeous!
  5. Love the one with you lying in the sand with your feet up on the brick wall! Looks like a pic you'd see in a magazine... very pretty and model looking.
  6. My fave that I've seen a few times is a close up of bouquet lying in the sand with bride and groom far away by the water kinda blurry.
  7. Alot of brides have gotten their mugs from discountmugs. I think I'm going to go with the color your own mugs from oriental trading (great price and totally customizable).
  8. Room key holders with matching lanyards are fairly inexpensive...
  9. We are having FI's sister do our pics. She is a semi-pro photographer, has done many weddings before. But I am considering hiring videographer for ceremony. I would be reluctant on hiring someone that's really cheap unless they have a really good portfolio. Lighting is important on a beach if they don't know what they're doing.
  10. Are there other TAs working out of the same location? Or is it just him? If there are others working in the office you could ask to switch to someone who might have more time.
  11. Happy to hear you got your dress! Hopefully the rest of your planning goes smoothly!
  12. I actually wanted all the kids to come, but for most people it was too expensive to bring the kids (our resort has a crappy kids rate only $50 for the week cheaper then adult rates. So both of FI's sisters and both of my sisters are leaving the kids home with their husbands and enjoying a no kids week. The only exception is my sister is bringing my 8 year old niece and leaving my nephew home. And I will be bringing my 13 year old son (only cause I have to) haha!
  13. We are all flying in on a Thursday, wedding on Tuesday. Guests will be leaving 2 days later (on the Thursday) and then we will be staying an extra week at our resort. So I won't mind hanging out with them for 2 days cause we still have a full week for just us.
  14. Mysecreteden, where did you order your flowers from? They are exactly what I'm looking for!
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