Our wedding is June 29, 2013..we are working with a travel agent specifically for the booking of our block of hotel rooms. We decided to go this route, because it would allow our guests the option of making payments rather than having to pay out one lump sum. The trick to it though, is that the reservations have to be paid in full by April 15, 2013. Fortunately our travel agent provided the Save the Dates for us and we have decided to go ahead and send those out because really our guests have 8 months, with holidays smooshed in there, to budget and pay for their reservations. As for the invitations, our coordinator advised that we should send them out 6 months prior to, which put us right before New Years Eve, so we decided to back that date up and will be sending them out the beginning of November instead with an RSVP date of mid March. Also, we opted to do electronic invites rather than spend the money on paper ones. Has anyone else decided to do this and if so what sites are you using?