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Everything posted by PuntaBride

  1. Wicked! Thank you. Can you email it to me again? [email protected] Majestic Elegance Punta Cana Resort Info.docx
  2. Thanks Britney! Do you know where the Asadito restaurant is located? Do you have any pictures. I know what the See and Sea is like. Yeah I would like to know if they section you away from other guests. Do you still get a 2 hour time limit? 60 people is a lot I would imagine that would almost take up the whole restaurant. We are expecting somewhere between 40 and 60 guests.
  3. Is there a menu available for both of these restaurants? How many guests are you aloud to have for a free dinner, and what kind of table arrangements do you get?
  4. I know ... $50/person for a private reception seems ridiculous. I'm going to explore the free options too. Not sure if there are any for 40+ people!
  5. Thanks for the pictures. That one on the beach is exactly what I was looking for. I had the other photo too, but I wanted to see it on the beach to get a better picture! Are you picking the same dress for each of your girls? Or are they going to be different? I've decided to leave it up to my bridesmaids to find their own. I'm getting some paint chips for them to keep in their purses so they can match up the correct shades!
  6. Oh families ... they have to have a say in everything ... I've definitely had some battles. Yeah, I would double check your times. You will have to find a day when the justice of the peace is available. Trying to sort things out myself. I'm waiting to hear back on an email I sent to ME this afternoon. Once I get my answer on one more set of dates we are just going to go with the 1:00pm wedding and hope we can change it if the other slots don't book up.
  7. My vote is against Spring Break. Traveling during this time is chaotic. There is more chances of luggage being lost/resorts being overbooked (this has happened to me twice) ... and crowded beaches. It is usually really expensive to travel during this time as well. I'm also in Education and it makes it real tough. Any chance your board will let you take a week off unpaid? I know people who have done this before. It obviously depends on your financial situation, but maybe you can find room in your budget. It will be nicer for guests to go away at a time other than school holidays. Just something for you to consider CONGRATULATIONS and welcome to the forum. A great website to be a part of!
  8. Hm ... that doesn't seem fair! I'm going to see if my TA can work some magic on this. My other thought was maybe if the slots don't fill up then we can have it changed! That would be fine with me. May doesn't seem like it would be a busy time for weddings down there. That is when weddings start happening in Canada since the weather is finally warm again!
  9. Freaking out!!! I contacted ME yesterday to find out what symbolic ceremony times they had available from May 5th-12th 2013 that were after 4pm ... they only had one ceremony available on the 9th @ 1pm. I couldn't believe it. So I inquired about the next available date with a late afternoon wedding .... not until May 21st. So I inquired about April .... the only day they had after 4pm was April 11th . This cannot be right. There is noooo way that every day at 5:00pm is filled already for April and May next year. That is insane. Not sure what I'm going to do now!
  10. Great sites everyone! Mine is ToddandMichelle.weddingwindow.com Shay, I love RIU .... good choice. I've been to a few now and I've always enjoyed myself I also think that destination weddings are all about being flexible and coming up with original ideas and going against the norm! Clam idea is cute!
  11. Have you checked out Etsy and Pinterest for ideas?
  12. Looks great! Good thinking on the FAQ page. I also like the little "events" you have planned. I will have to think about something like that. I stayed at the Suites over Christmas with 15 members of my family. Jamaica is great. You are about 10 minutes away from the airport
  13. Wondering if anyone has any pictures of their bridesmaids wearing nude or neutral dresses. I want to see how it looks in a destination setting!
  14. Okee ... I'm following you now. You should be able to find me now! I'm using weddingwindow. It was the best one I found. We are paying for it though ... $60 or something for a year. It was the most customizable and I really like it. I will PM you the link! I'm doing passport invites too, I used the template you sent me ... just changed the colours and information around! Are you making your own design up? We've decided in the Majestic Elegance ... YAY!!!! Still deciding on the exact wedding date. We will be there either May 5th-May 12th. Or April 21st - 28th.
  15. Love these colours! They will look great next to the ocean. Are you going with the pink shoes?
  16. I know!!! I love it too. That's a cute idea. Take some pictures! This website, pinterest, my wedding site, and invites are consuming me and I love it haha Wedding websites are good because you can put all of the information pertaining to travel, booking, wedding, and hotel in one place and all your guests can access it anytime. It can save you from answering the same questions a million times and also persuade people to go. Have you decided on invites yet?
  17. What are you making on Facebook? I've been working on my wedding website. It has been a big project too!
  18. Oooo these are beautiful! I went to a peacock themed wedding last summer in the U.S. It was soooo nice. The girls wore these eggplant coloured dresses and had a peacock feather in their bouquets. So elegant!
  19. Marlin Travel in Walmart has good trip advisors. Some locations have wedding experts, inquire about that. It doesn't cost anything extra. There are excursions you can book through your hotel. Your travel company (transat, westjet, sunwing ...etc.) will have a booth set up. You can inquire about bus tours through them. Go to the Gran Bahia website. There is a spot where you can input your email address to get package information from them. They send you a bunch of information on weddings. It's very useful!
  20. THESE ARE SO PRETTY! Love the pop of colour on the necklaces.
  21. That's great. Now you don't need to worry I will probably just keep my eye open for things that are a good price. I definitely will save any candies or things that might expire until closer to May. It is a nice thing to get done way in advance though.
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