Ladies- I started ChaLean Extreme from Beachbody. I highly, highly recommend it. Here are a few reasons: 1. You can start at any level. Everyone is at different stages. You may be able to do curls with 5 pounds or 20 pounds, you can start comfortably at your starting point and work up. You need to already be pretty strong to start Insanity or P90X. 2. Chalene motivates! She says the right thing at the right time. She makes you laugh..and even wanna cry sometimes when she makes you feel so good about what you just accomplished! She is a woman just like you and me, a mother, a friend. She is passionate and not fake. 3. It comes with a great meal plan and recipes to follow to fuel your body and put on muscle rather than just loose water weight 4. Its so much easier than going to the gym! Push play at home! 5.THE BIGGEST REASON: it's more geared towards a womans body. P90X does a lot of pull ups where as Chalean does a lot of squats. Girls- we need our squats for these bikinis we have to be in on the beach. She targets the muscle groups we girls want to tone up througout every exercise and disc and she tells you WHY you need to be doing this. 6. Rather than exhaust yourself with a milion reps of heavy swinging weights which doesnt work or hours on the treadmill, she teaches you to lift heavy and slow and put on muscle to torch away the fat. Do you wanna just loose "weight" or do you want the body that will turn heads? ChaLean!!!