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Everything posted by kisha311

  1. Congratulations! Your ceremony was intimate, that's nice. Did you have any family or friends attend? We are having a rather large party so I'm wondering about a few things.
  2. I live in NYC and let me tell you, it's insane! The article is pretty on point, however for the NYC portion that's based on getting married in Manhattan. Doing anything on the island of Manhattan is inherently more expensive so a bride can get married in a borough for less but it's still more expensive. That's why we are doing a DW!
  3. Roxi is the main coordinator for Beaches T&C, she's the one setting up the preliminary information. Roxi has been really good with me and very patient. She makes sure your selections for theme, music, menu, etc. are entered in the system although you can still change lots of things when you get there. I don't think you can change your theme when you get there, but you can add a DJ, band, etc. Also, Roxi is the one who you would send any info relating to allergies and things regarding your guests so that the food accommodations are taken care of.
  4. I just put the stickers on mine yesterday. They work well and look good. I will try to remember to post a picture of the finished product!
  5. I know some Canadian brides have a P.O. Box right across the border and/or travel periodically across the border. Some have family members or friends that receive their shipments and then either send it all at once or make a trip and bring the items. I'm not a Canadian bride but these are some things I've seen.
  6. Can I just say that I am having anxiety attacks over the fact that my official invitations aren't in the mail yet. I put an RSVP date of 3/31 and I haven't sent them yet. Work got in the way and ad me traveling, then I had an invitation party for some friends to help me with assembly and that was HORRIBLE! I love my friends but they can't cut straight with a paper cutter or scissors. So I had to order new pocket folds and do things myself, so I'm way behind schedule. Things were going too well for me, I knew something would come along and disrupt my flow.
  7. So excited that there was FINALLY some movement on the scale in the downward direction! It's such a wonderful feeling. It wasn't a lot, but it was enough to let me know that the little changes I've made are helping so once I go harder with the exercise, things will really speed up! Have a great Monday ladies (and gentlemen)!
  8. Going to Whole Foods today to stock up on the fresh fruits and veggies. Haven't had the chance to go to the grocery store at all with work getting in the way. I'm on it today though, and I plan to make it a worthwhile trip! Going to stock up on some nice fresh fish and quality meats. I've been doing well and having protein shakes for breakfast and salads for lunch with lots of protein. Last night for dinner wasn't so good, had to work late unexpectedly and had hot wings. But I ate the carrots and celery and only ate 7 of the 10 wings! Trust me, I wanted to eat better but sitting in a car for 8 hours and getting a break at 9PM doesn't leave very many options. I'm more aware of what I'm putting in my mouth these days, cutting down on the mindless eating!
  9. This is the only way that it would allow me to add more pictures. Hope this helps!
  10. I have a juicer and have juiced on occasion and really liked it a lot. I will probably start juicing for either breakfast or dinner and having a real meal for lunch sans carbs. I haven't bought into the entire Paleo lifestyle either, but it's cool overall. My work schedule can be out of control in the blink of an eye so too much thought/work/or prep time will not work for me. You ladies are doing pretty good though.
  11. What cleanse/detox plans do you ladies follow? I am just getting started on having a more diligent Paleo diet. Basically no carbs or processed foods or sugar, everything should have lived at some point, all that jazz! I'm doing alright so far, really need to eat right now though. Also trying to replace at least one meal a day with a protein shake and no meals after 7pm. Wish me luck!
  12. As long as you book a room for that photographer, they are a part of your wedding party and the resort can not bar them. My photographer is flying from Atlanta, so he will be staying at the resort the same amount of time as our guests which is 4 days. The resort has no problem with that.
  13. Just give it time, I was having the same feelings and have been greatly surprised. A friend told me that the people you expect to come, will probably disappoint, but the people you invite but don't really expect to attend, will! She has been correct for the most part and it's alright. Come on over to the Beaches Turks & Caicos Roll Call thread and you'll see. Your guests will book, it's still extremely early and people are thinking about taxes and the summer etc. They're thinking that it's too expensive right now, but they will realize as time goes on that they will have a great time and want to attend. Plus they will really want to support you and the future husband!
  14. Hey there, I posted a list of the things as far as drinks that are included with the cocktail hour, as told to me by Roxi. They are able to work around shellfish allergies, I have a few people attending that are allergic to that as well as peanuts. The price for the sand ceremony includes the supplies, but I am taking my own. I was advised that it is the same price regardless of bringing your own supplies or using theirs. The sand ceremony container has the Sandals/Beaches logo on it I believe, but I can't say with certainty. I've heard that it is still nice, but I'm taking my own because I want to personalize it. Renting the iPod dock was $75/hour I think. Hopefully some of this helps with your anxiety!
  15. Amber was correct in everything that she said! We are going to pay $225/table for the Seaside Serenade table setup and centerpieces in addition to the fee per person for the private reception. Their explanation is that they will have staff and an area dedicated to your and your party. Like I said, we are having such a large group of people that this is the best option for us. If you don't want the theme on each table then you will still pay $100/table for the Beautiful Beginnings theme or have your own decor. They are still going to charge you a set-up fee for the tables if you bring your own centerpieces and such. Also I forgot to mention that there is a "set-up" fee for the sand ceremony even if you are bringing your own items like us. I think the fee is either $50 or $75, I don't have my notes with me, sorry.
  16. Amber, Those prices are correct but Roxi said that they are the price for people coming to the resort on days other than the wedding. So there's a slight price reduction for the wedding day and then the price goes up after that. Basically I think I'm going to have the people staying off the resort pay the $75 fee and we pay the $75 reception fee per person. This way it evens out. Blakdeevah, Yes, the Seaside Serenade will go for all of the tables we will use for the reception. Like I said, don't want the added stress of taking the decor with us in addition to everything else. We will make the food selections when we get there because we will get to do a food tasting when we arrive. I believe you can tell them what you think you'll want before you arrive and then do a tasting to make sure that's what you want. Glad I could help!
  17. I am making my own using the full sized sheets of sticker labels. I am planning to create a template in Powerpoint or something and then printing to the sheet and cutting the labels out. This way everything sticks and I can mess around as much as possible.
  18. So I forget who asked, or when, but I looked through my notes and found some info that I received from Roxi during our last conversation in December. Note that we have quite a few people attending our wedding so it makes sense to go with the sit down reception option. Right now we have 75 people attending, it is a mix of people staying on the resort and off the resort. If you have guests attending the wedding that aren't staying at the resort, then the pricing is as follows: $75/person resort entry fee on day of wedding (same price for children and adults) $75/adult reception sit-down dinner $37/50/child reception sit-down dinner Sit Down Reception $60/adult for 2 hour dinner $30/child for 2 hour dinner 1 Hour Cocktail Reception is included in my package due to the amount of rooms booked directly at Beaches Includes sparkling wine, soda, water, and fruit punch/juices Hot and Cold hors d'oeuvres (hope I spelled that correctly) Sit Down Dinner - Bride and Groom choose 1 appetizer 1 soup or salad course 2 entrees for guests to choose from 1 dessert (not including the wedding cake) *You also have the option to include vegeatrian dishes and special meals should anyone be vegetarian or have food allergies. They allow exceptions for particular people's meals and you must let them know in advance. That's all I have at the moment, but I hope it helps when you are trying to figure out budgeting issues! If you have any questions, I will try to answer them as best I can. We are going with the Seaside Serenade theme and are paying the extra to carry over the theme on all of the tables for the reception. It is much less of a burden for me to do this than to stress about lugging down reception decor and all of the crazy details that I want to/would probably stress over. I didn't want to do the suitcase fight, considering the OOT bags are getting 2 suitcases of their own to go down!
  19. I'm so in and all over this! Can't wait to get started. I do have a question though. My job requires frequent travel at times so I may not always be able to weigh in on the same day every week because I won't have access to a scale all of the time while traveling. Can we work something out? I'm not saying that it will be often and I will let you know in advance before/when I have to travel. Although I don't anticipate a lot of travel coming up (famous last words!). Thanks for organizing this!
  20. I purchased the pashminas from a wholesaler here in NYC. Unfortunately I don't know the name because I walked in and bought them. Please note that the votive holders can hold the LED lights, which is what I was originally planning to do.
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