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Everything posted by kisha311

  1. No need to feel embarrassed, we all face many challenges when it comes to a wedding. Please don't cease blogging, you are such an inspiration! I will anxiously await to read the next installment of your wedding planning adventures. Planning a wedding is never easy, regardless of it being in the Bahamas or Virginia Beach. Now you can really go crazy with the DIY, maybe even get those milk bottles going!
  2. You're right about the circles and that's what's driving me crazy! I can't seem to get them even on all sides. I need PowerPoint to have grid lines to make life easy. Thanks for the compliment, those are the wedding colors so I wanted to make sure it works before I start with the decor!
  3. I posted a copy of my monogram in the DIY section. I hope you had a chance to take a look at it. I'm picking it apart and see flaws. This was supposed to be easy!
  4. So I've been playing around and used the inspiration from so many of the wonderful brides on here. I forgot to download all of the ones I like so I will just upload one for now. I did it in Powerpoint. I think I still want to tweak it, but you ladies tell me what you think.
  5. I have been messing around with dazzle for the last 2 hours and I can't seem to get my picture to upload that I want to use to create a custom stamp. Anyone else have this type of issue? It's making me crazy.
  6. Thanks so much, your information is quite helpful. Question about your monogram, is that font one that you downloaded? I'm going to play around today adn see if I can create something that I like. Thanks!
  7. Oh gosh, now I have another thing to be hooked on! I'm looking forward to your posts. I'm going to Michaels today to start working on drink stirrers and straw flags! Although I don't have the straws or stirrers yet, but that's just details!
  8. Dominique, Thanks so much for offering to help. I read your blog and was so amazed at everything that went into the planning and the tremendous amount of DIY! All of my stress now is coming from determining how much the hotel will charge me to put sashes on the chairs for the ceremony as well as table runners for the reception. I know it's cheaper for me to bring my own supplies, but they don't make it easy for you to DIY a lot of stuff. For instance, the cost to rent speakers for the reception cost the same per hour as paying for one of their DJ's. I have no choice except to use their DJ in this case, but I really didn't want to. So, if you know of anyone willing to do my set-up leg work that would be cheaper than the hotel, I would be willing to pay! I am also waiting to receive some quotes from the florists that the hotel contracts with. I think I will have artificial flowers and bring my own, but once again, it gets expensive to get someone to set-up the tables. Do you see where I'm coming from?
  9. I haven't ordered yet as I am still debating on how I want it to all come together. I am still waiting for the WC from my resort to let me know what the fee would be if they place the table runners and tie the sashes. They don't make anything easy for us, or cheap I should say. Sigh....I will keep you posted.
  10. Sounds good to me, I'min NYC so let me know!
  11. Cindy2013- where in NYC did you did the deal? I'm in NYC as well and am definitely willing to go get some good ones! I'm in the city almost everyday for work
  12. I would like the Fuschia trays, napkins, chair sashes, table runner, and tissue paper if it's all still available!
  13. I just wanted to say that I am totally new here but I feel like I know you just from reading this thread. All of your planning and handwork is awe inspiring and I will be borrowing many of your ideas! I am known to be pretty anal as well, so this planning comes very naturally to me! My poor FI is just stepping back and waiting for instructions. Anyway, I will probably be bugging you in the upcoming months for tips and assistance with various projects. As you can see, I live in BK, but I travel to Jersey and Philly a lot because of friends and family. Thanks again for being so detailed and creative and giving with your efforts and hard work. The love you put into all of it chines through! I look forward to getting to know you better Mrs. Wright!
  14. Aww man, now I'm ready to order sashes as well ladies. My colors are fuchsia and navy blue. I am debating on sashes, napkins and table runners. If I mix and match the colors I'm wondering if it will look too busy. Wish I could put it all together and see for myself before ordering. I will think of something but I did notice that the tablecloths factory website has a sale until midnight tonight. Their sashes are 0.69/piece so I may be ordering today!
  15. Well the room rate varies by time of year, but they gave me $119 vs $229 at the Atlantis. As far as amenities, automatic upgrade for us from the day we check in, not just wedding night. The menu options and choices are very flexible and they are willing to make substitutions at no additional cost.
  16. MissMissy, I am currently planning my wedding for 150-175 guests in the Bahamas. It will be at the Wyndham Nassau. It is not all-inclusive but the location is great, the room rate is great, and the wedding team there is awesome! I filled out an inquiry online and received a response in less than 24 hours. I received hotel rates and packages and a phone conference with their wedding coordinator right away. They answer EVERY question you may have, and some you didn't wen know you have! I have pictures and lots of options. The biggest plus is that they book 1 wedding per day do you are NEVER Rushed!
  17. Miss Bubbles, you are correct I believe I am in the minority. Yes, I actually signed the contract yesterday. The wedding team there has been excellent from the day I requested information. I've had 4 conference calls with the coordinator already to answer all questions, and discuss any concerns. I considered the Atlantis but the cost for the reception was just too much for us since we will be having a large group of people, over 100 guests. The room rate offered is great and all of the amenities and included services are great. I just want a pretty beach back drop, good food, and a good time. The Wyndham is offering all of the above! They really go out of their way to work with you regardless if you've signed a contract with them or not. I can't stop gushing over my experience thus far!
  18. Ben and I originally met in the Spring of 2002. He was in training to become law enforcement and I was working on the administrative side of the same agency at the training academy. A mutual friend of ours from college suggested that we meet just as a courtesy. You see, he and I did not attend college at the same time, I started the fall after he graduated. The one day we spoke in 2002, I wasn't impressed, I was just saying hello because our mutual friend knew we were working in the same place. I automatically looked at him and told myself he wasn't my type! Not only that, he was moving to Miami for work and I lived in Maryland at the time. We did not speak again after that day. Fast forward 7 years, and Ben and I met again in July 2010 again at the training academy! By this time, I had become law enforcement and moved to New York City. I was home in Maryland for a week and decided to go over to the training academy to workout and meet a friend for lunch. The friend that I was meeting came outside to meet me and asked if Ben could tag along because they had just gotten out of a class together and Ben had recently moved to Maryland from Miami. After we were re-introduced, we went to lunch together. Again, I did not think he was "my type" and therefore did not see anything romantic happening. That afternoon at lunch, Ben was quite charming and funny and the three of us had a nice time. I walked away from lunch thinking that he and I could be pretty good friends, but I didn't see us dating. A few day later I returned to New York, and continued with my single life and single mentality. About a week later, I started receiving e-mails from him at 5am. Initially I was polite and didn't curse him out for waking me up, but eventually I had to let him know I needed to sleep! He managed to keep me engaged in emails for another 2 hours, and the next thing you know I had to get up and go to work. From that day forward, a day didn't go by where we didn't talk, text, etc. He won me over, and I was a done deal!
  19. Anyone been married there, getting married there, or considering it? I'm planning my wedding for June 22, 2013 and I am overwhelmed! Looking forward to it though.
  20. Hello All, I am new here and have been reading through the tons of info that everyone has contributed and it is AMAZING! I am still in the beginning stages of planning, we have decided on Nassau on June 22, 2013. It seems so far, yet not far enough! I can't believe the amount of work ahead of me, even with it being a destination wedding. Thanks to all of you, I see how much I can do myself to cut down on costs and I'm very excited. Anyway, I look forward to reading and learning more and hopefully I will be able to contribute from time to time. If anyone else has gotten married at the Wyndham, or is planning to get married there, I look forward to talking to you!
  21. kisha311


    Hi there everyone! I am newly engaged, about 3 weeks now I guess, and we have decided to get married in Nassau, Bahamas in June 2013. We have decided to get married at the Wyndham in Nassau because the price is right and the accommodations look beautiful! I originally wanted to get married at the Atlantis, but that was just waaayyyy too expensive. Anyway, things are coming along but I have just started to hit my first few snags. I have photographer that I really wanted to use for my wedding and of course I knew I would have to fly him down and provide accommodations but his overall cost is so expensive. I really like his style and have followed him for years but his cost is almost half of the entire cost for the wedding and reception venue. So I need help with that. Also I wanted to use my family friend as a DJ there, but the cost to rent the audio equipment costs the same as hiring a local DJ with the equipment included. I'm really saddened by this because the DJ I want is still an invited guest to the wedding and now I won't be bake to utilize him. Sorry for the rant. I look forward to reading what you all have to say and learning lots of stuff. -Kisha
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