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Everything posted by kisha311

  1. Do you have a brother, cousin, friend, friend's husband, etc. that you and your fiancee are comfortable with who are attending the wedding? I think in the worst case scenario, he ask someone like that to step in. It's not ideal, but it would still be someone that he knows, likes, trusts, and someone who made the trip to share in your special day. He will be bummed, and I'm sorry to read this, but in the end it can be salvaged. I'm sure you all have a couple or two that you've hung out with that are possibly making the trip, so it's not really a bad choice and he still has someone by his side that supports his decision. As for a bachelor party, it's not a must. You all can do a group party and celebrate together! Don't always have to separate the sexes. Good luck and I hope this helps!
  2. It looks great! The only suggestion I would make is to have all of the lines for your RSVP section the same length. So even if you only need a short space for the number of people, make it the same length as the arrival date line just to keep the continuity. Awesome job! I may need to borrow those flowers you used. I'm having an engagement party and promised I would help with some of the decor since I'm not allowed to do anything else with it!
  3. Are the sand dollars and kraft boxes still available? If so, I would be willing to take those!
  4. I got the message saying mine was shipped, so I'm anxiously waiting!
  5. I don't think they meant for free literally. I spoke to the WC and she said that you do not pay a "fee" to have an outside photographer as long as they stay for 3 nights or more at the resort. I'm bringing my own photographer and he is staying as a part of my wedding group so I don't pay any additional fees to the resort for him to photograph the wedding instead of the Beaches photographers.
  6. Great write-up! I learned something new about planning for the wedding from you!
  7. Shannonmarie - I believe, at least from talking to the coordinator at my resort and another that I was looking into, that whatever the musical choice is for your ceremony or reception the sound system is included. The only time you would have to rent that piece of equipment would be if you say I'm bringing my iPod or own music. So basically, if the wedding has a musical selection included (like mine does) then the system that plays it and amplifies it is included. If you book a band, DJ, or other entertainment that plays music, then they provide their own equipment for that service. For a band or DJ, that's part of what makes them a professional because they know their equipment and how to use/manipulate it. Even if my wedding were to be held in the United States, and I booked the entertainment, it is expected that they provide their own sound/amplification equipment. That's part of what you pay for because they have invested in their "product" which is the music and making it sound good. Any good DJ or band wouldn't trust an unknown piece of equipment because they know what settings and things to use to give the best sound for their performance! So, make sure and ask your wedding coordinator or the DJ/bands directly, but I'm 99.9% certain that a sound system is included when you pay the high prices they charge/hour. PM me if you have any other questions and good luck!
  8. Rachel, I was told by Roxie that the beach BBQ is not every Friday because I had a question about my rehearsal dinner. So maybe ask to be sure before planning your reception around it, I don't want you to be disappointed.
  9. Jacquelynk- I had my conference call with Roxi yesterday and she was amazing! It lasted about an hour and a half because I asked a ton of questions and she ha lots of answers. As we were speaking, she emailed me some things to review so I was able to ask even more questions! I am taking my own photographer as well and there's no fee as long as they're a guest with your bridal party. You will just have a harder time bringing in local vendors I think. I am going to have the calypso band for the ceremony and cocktail hour. After my call with Roxi I am excited!!
  10. Very good list! I would say that if you're having a DJ then you shouldn't have to spring for the sound system. I know that the DJ either brings their own, or the resort works it out in their vendor fee so that it's already included in their rate. Either way, not an expense for you because it's a part of their services so you just added back some miscellaneous cash!!
  11. I didn't think shipping was too bad when I ordered my hangers. It seemed about right given the size and shape of the hangers. I think it also depends on the quantity, the more you order, the bigger the box. I don't have any gripes with the price, especially with $5 for the product. Isn't it comparable to ordering "free" stuff on Vistaprint and having to pay for shipping? It's a trade off sometimes, so it all balances out.
  12. Amber, Great to hear it! Did you ask what they have to "set-up" for the sand ceremony? See, I'm an inquisitive person by nature and profession so I question everything! I will ask and discuss that with her as I would really like to know. I just checked my calendar and realized that my own call with Roxi is this coming Friday! I need to get my stuff together and be ready for her!
  13. I'm pretty sure that the fans will be back in stock. They are probably a seasonal item so they may be out of stock from now until the end of the summer. Just keep checking and don't get too upset, that's why you're planning a year in advance! I've had some items I was looking at disappear but I was reminded that they will be back in stock well before the wedding. Just be patient and keep the faith! And don't make an impulse purchase of a different item just because you couldn't find exactly what you wanted, they will be back before your wedding! Remember when you first started seeing them this year and they will probably be back available at the same time next year.
  14. Alright Amber, You know I will be waiting to read the results of your phone call this weekend, so please don't keep me in suspense! I am anxious for mine and can't wait. When you find your list of questions, do you mind sharing? I only have like 3 or 4 things to ask, so I think I need to re-read this entire thread to be sure I have covered all of my bases. I know I'm missing lots of stuff. I'm so excited for you! I know, I'm a little silly, but this stuff can make you have emotional highs and lows and right now I'm on a high!
  15. Sorry ladies, they are all gone now. Thanks to everyone who contacted me.
  16. Yum really sorry to hear about your dad and sister's refusal to attend, it will really be their loss. In the end, the people who are there will matter most, so keep your head up and enjoy your planning. I actually ordered my save the dates from Allurements by Rebecca and she is AWESOME!!!! I really didn't have the time to attempt to make my own so I ordered passport save the dates, I will post a picture tomorrow. She was really good and fun to work with. I was also able to meet with her in person as she is in NYC. It can be pricey and I see why people DIY a lot of stuff. I'm going to do my invitations though, I still want something more traditional.
  17. Ladies, I am happy to report that I "Said Yes to the Dress" and found my dress at the first shop! I didn't flash or scare my consultant away and I had a blast! I wore my boy shorts underwear and she actually changed me into a different strapless bra/spanx/body shaper thingy without ever having me flash her! She was skilled because all I knew was that she was telling me to remove my bra from the front but the thingy was on me already! One of my bridesmaids was in the room with me and she was super impressed as well! It was definitely an experience and I am glad I did it. The designer of my dress was in the salon that day as well for a trunk show so I got my dress, a picture with the designer, and a sale/discount all in one! I'm very happy and can't wait to post the photos. I can't right now though because my fiancee could google me and find the pictures somehow so it will have to be a secret until my planning thread. Thanks sooooooo much for the dressing room advice!
  18. You will be fine, I have to be ahead of the game due to work. I will be extremely busy from August-November, I work in politics, so I have to get everything done as soon as possible since I will lose a few months to work. Our wedding party will be 3 bridesmaids, 3 groomsmen, 1 ring bearer and 1 flower girl. His son will be the ring bearer/junior groomsman (since he will be 9 at the time). The fire dancer looks so cool! I'm not sure that will be in the budget, but it's an awesome idea. Our ceremony is scheduled for 5 or %;30 or something like that, I know I'm paying extra to have it late in the day. I didn't want to do it early since it will be hot. Also, my guests with children will have enough time to do things and get the kids down for a nap and dressed in time for the wedding. We are not planning an AHR, but my FMIL is pushing for one. My fiancee told her that we will not be able to afford it after the wedding so if that's what she wants, she has to pay for it! She also has all of these grand ideas for wedding favors and random things that I am slowly pushing back on because I have made my mind up, and some of her ideas just aren't my personality. It's a juggling act for sure and she wasn't happy initially when we said DW. My own mother was a little upset with the DW idea initially as well, but when I broke it down in cost they all understood. That and the fact that I stated that "WE" were paying for our own wedding so if you don't like it then you don't have to come! If someone wants to pitch in with some money and help, then they get a say in how/what we do and I haven't received any money form anyone! My mom is throwing a big engagement party/cookout in her backyard for us in August. She has a huge yard and is paying for it herself so I'm going with the flow and allowing her to do pretty much everything that she wants. This process really shows you people's true colors is all I can say!
  19. There is a different type of stress involved in DW, at least that's what I am finding out. People still contact me with travel questions no matter how many times I give them the website and travel agent info. It's really crazy. In addition, I have had people ask me for a save the date and wedding invite point blank when I really didn't intend to invite them. It's been an experience thus far to say the least, but I hope it evens out and gets better after this. My travel agent is a general travel agent that was recommended by my mom's friend. It's been alright but I have had to get on her case a couple of times, but nothing too bad. I am a really Type A person, so I am constantly checking things and making sure she's doing what she's supposed to do. We will probably do the beautiful beginnings package, depending on the prices they throw out for the other ones. We will see. There are a couple of things that I really want to have, like a sand ceremony and a steel pan player. Those are the important things, as well as a kick ass reception! We will have a large party attending the wedding so we are going to have to do a private reception but that's cool. Everyone is excited about the DW and T&C! Most people have never been so they are truly excited to attend! How about your folks, excited about the DW?
  20. My date is 6/22/13! I have been planning for a little more than 2 months. I wanted to give people plenty of time to plan, pay, save, etc so that they wouldn't stress me out. Although that has gone out of the window. Things are moving along, I am scheduled to have my Beaches conference call on the 13th, so then we will really see what things look like. We are bringing our own photographer down with us, I was advised that as long as they are staying at the resort, Beaches won't bother you. I know that a lot of people have used the outside photographers for various photo shoots outside the resort, so that is an option if you're not totally satisfied with the resort pictures! I am about to ask my TA again about the flights, it's kind of tricky because she said that the airlines release the fares about a year in advance, so the June fares should be out soon. I think the cost of airfare is about the same as going to Jamaica, from looking at the prices for other times of the year. I can't allow myself to get too stressed about the airfare for others because they stress me about enough other stuff! Are you using a travel agent? Have you scheduled your conference call? When is your date?
  21. Hey there, I have also had the same questions and doubts, but in the end I stuck with Beaches for a number of reasons. The main reason is that I went to various tourism websites and read about how much food and drinks and various excursions cost on the island, and I spoke to people who have visited T&C and stayed at cheaper resorts and got their opinions. In the end I was told that because it's an island, the food is expensive so if you're not from a major metropolitan city where the food is expensive, you will be mad! I live in NYC and travel a lot for work so I know that food is a major part of my budget, and alcohol will come into play as well as the festivities go on. Staying at other less costly resorts is an option and fine, but the people kind of negated their "savings" by paying for every single meal, snack, and drink and for cab rides to various excursions and things. Beaches became the winner because I figured people would spend the same amount of money in the end, and at Beaches they have the option of child care, included in the price if they wanted to get away on their own for a while without the kids. Happy planning, and I hope this helped.
  22. Mae, Sorry as well, I've been running around like crazy. I was actually able to sell everything together. My apologies. Good luck with everything though and let me know if I can help!
  23. Here is a photo, I was having problems adding it before.
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