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Everything posted by leighastrudwick

  1. Ok so we were planning on going to mexico in 2014 but we are not going to elope in Vegas in April 2013. Our plans are to go down Friday night get married early on Sat and then have a day of fun in vegas. Then hop on a plan on sun and head somewhere hot for the week. Any suggestions for vegas.. ie service and hotel. I am talking to my travel agent and waiting to hear back. Thanks Leigha
  2. no i dont think so , we are planning for the feb break because we have a lot of family and friends that are teachers.
  3. Hi guys, Looking at resorts and wanted to ask if anyone knows of specific places that have reasonable private reception prices? I will not be doing a lot of decorations or extras and wanted to see if there were any resorts that have better prices? Thanks! Leigha
  4. Hi everyone! I'm from Saskatoon and we are planning for Feb 2014, not enough time from engagement to next year for us to do 2013 but this way I'm not to rushed lol!! Anyway just wanted to say hi to everyone Leigha
  5. yeah it looks like we are in teh exact same spot i am sure that flights from winnipeg are probably the same as saskatoon. I did send my TA a list of resorts but she hasnt gotten back to me, i am mostly stressing because I want to have a realistic budget for it. Leigha
  6. I have emailed our TA 9 different resorts that we like but havent heard back from her. After looking more into it I am starting to worry about the prices ugh!
  7. Hey, Trying to narrow down our resort picks and i was wondering how much people spent for their weddings at moon palace? I would be departing from saskatoon so I know that the flights wont be exactly the same, but i would like to get an idea how much we are looking at per person for the guests and then how much the couple spent? we probably wouldnt want to much extra but i think that we would probably have to have a private reception. Thanks any info would be great! Leigha
  8. cjb0arder13 Yes well when we first got engaged (a couple of weeks ago) we went to a TA and were going to start planning for 2013 but decided against it, now with so much time i feel that i would be wasting my TA's time so early with questions
  9. Hi, How do I find a realistic price range for the resorts? I am not sure how many people are for sure coming, and also how much flights will be for that time frame seeing as it is so far away? Thanks, sorry to be a pest leigha
  10. Hi, So we are planning for 2014 to go to Riviera Maya, but past that we have no idea, I am getting to the point where everything looks the same. We are doing Maya cause it departs our city on Friday which would work the best for us. Does anyone have any ideas how i can narrow down even a little? Leigha
  11. Hi, Just got engaged a couple days ago and we are planning on going away. We went to a TA a couple of days ago and figured that we would wait until 2014. So just starting to look at places to go looking a lot at Grand Palladium Kantenah Resort & Spa All Inclusive. Looking forward to hearing from you all!! thanks Leigha
  12. Hello, Just got engaged a couple of days ago and we want to go away for the wedding, we went to a TA and decided that because we think we are going to have a lot of people and the fact we have a new baby that we would put it off to Feb 2014 for finacial reasons. I am really excited to start looking at places and hopefully get some advice from you guys! I know its still pretty early to plan but I am pretty excited. Thanks! Leigha
  13. Hello, Just got engaged a couple of days ago and we want to go away for the wedding, we went to a TA and decided that because we think we are going to have a lot of people and the fact we have a new baby that we would put it off to Feb 2014 for finacial reasons. I am really excited to start looking at places and hopefully get some advice from you guys! I know its still pretty early to plan but I am pretty excited. Thanks! Leigha
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