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Everything posted by Cynthia28

  1. Thanks so much for the Sarah Sproullie review and the pics! I feel much better working with someone who has already worked with moon palace brides. Love the cute boarding pass RSVP cards too!
  2. Has anyone used Sarah Sproullie for their passport invites? I was going to attempt to do them myself but with my wedding coming up in December I would like to get them out sooner than later and am wondering if it's worth the extra money to have someone do them for me. Any reviews of her work with moon palace brides or pictures would be helpful
  3. Hey everyone! I have been stalking this forum for awhile now and have finally decided to join after officially booking my wedding at Moon Palace for December 21, 2012. I couldn't be more excited and am ready to start planning ASAP! If anyone could please share with me the invitations you used so I could get some ideas I would greatly appreciate it, thanks ladies
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