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  1. I bought them on Etsy, but its look like they painted the starfish on the bag.
  2. Hello Ladies! I'm selling some left over OOT bags from my wedding. PM me if you are interested. They are: Jute/Burlap Tote beach bag with cotton webbed handles and custom painted starfish Made of eco friendly plant fiber. Size: 17.5"W x 13.5"H x 6" $30.00 per bag
  3. Hello Ladies! I'm selling some left over OOT bags from my wedding. PM me if you are interested. They are: Jute/Burlap Tote beach bag with cotton webbed handles and custom painted starfish Made of eco friendly plant fiber. Size: 17.5"W x 13.5"H x 6" $30.00 per bag
  4. Yes, I am going to do this set up, but I'm not sure what linens to use. I may go with the hotel's white linens and bring my own runner to save money. It isn't a cheap set up, but I think it is definitely worth it.
  5. Has anyone received a ceremony script / timeline from the resort? I want to create my own, but I hear that most resorts have one they like to use.
  6. I am definitely worried about it too! I invited 100 people to our wedding and thought we would have 60 attend, but it looks like it will be about 38, plus some kids. I've been a little upset over it and have had thoughts about whether I should have done a local wedding, but I know it will be an amazing time. I think the key to getting people to dance is having GREAT music and lots of alcohol. Unfortunately, the only thing we can do is plan the music list and hope for the best. I have never heard anyone say they had a bad time at a destination wedding, but I have heard people say local, traditional weddings, have been just okay!
  7. For the bamboo structure with lights strung on the top, the cost is $1,800. For a 20 x 20 dance floor, the cost is $550. The chairs are $8.50 a piece, but you can also use the chairs in port maria at no cost.
  8. Is anyone having their wedding on the beach in front of the Port Maria? I love the way it looks under the lights!
  9. I'm frustrated with it too. I asked if we could mix and match the salad, entree and dessert from the different gala menus and they no. It's ridiculous considering we pay $70 pp
  10. I heard back from Tai Flora on the cost of setting up a dance floor, bamboo stalks and lights. The cost is $2,000. Let me know if you have any questions!
  11. Hi Cat, Thank you so much for sharing your wedding review! It is very helpful. Would you mind sending me the name of the DJ you used and his contact information? Also, I would love to see the script you used for the ceremony. You can send it to me here or to [email protected]. Thank you! Katelyn
  12. Does anyone has a price list from Tai Flora they could send me? I have been waiting to hear back from them on a quote for two months! They said they are busy and will get me soon, but I'm getting a little impatient. Thanks!
  13. I will definitely let you know what the cost is when I hear back from Tai Flora. I met with them 2 weeks ago when I was there and have sent two follow up emails and still haven't heard back. I hope I will hear something soon. I do know the cost of the chivari chairs is $8, but Tai Flora said they may be able to reduce the price.
  14. Is anyone doing their wedding reception in front of the Port Maria? I love the set up that this bride recently did. You can see the set up by going to their photographers website (just scroll down and you will see the dinner set up). http://www.lauranovak.net/index.cfm?catID=5 Tai Flora hasn't responded to me with pricing on doing this set up and I'm curious to find out what the cost is.
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