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About latanyaleon

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  1. Let's try that again....even our wedding guests who were not staying at either resort hung out with us at gran caribe into wee hours, after the wedding and reception. By the way our wedding was on 9/4/12. Half the guests stayed at Royal, others at Grab Caribe. About 4 stayed at outside hotels.
  2. Not a problem with hanging out with guests at royal.on night of wedding, everyone went to gran caribe after. There was a band there so we continued the party. Even our wedding guests who were not guts at either resort hung out with us into th wee hours.
  3. My wedding is 9/4 in Mexico. I'd rather give them away while there & not bring anything back! Seriously. I'll have orange sashes.
  4. if you have a template for the program, please send to me at iamlatanya at gmail dot com. thank you!
  5. you are stuningly georgeous! and beautiful dress! by the way I love the way you decorated the huppa with 3 colors! what did you use and where from? thanks!
  6. thank you Blujaye, how sweet! I don't see any c hanges either, other than more bling/embellishment on the strap! thanks!
  7. Thanks Speckles 121! Do you see any changes I should relay to dressilyme before they ship it?
  8. Hi Brides, I am happy to say I received pictures of my plus-sized dressily me dress! It looks a lot like the Allure dress I tried on. PLEASE look at the pictures for me and let me know what changes to tell them! thanks! allure.bmp
  9. Sorry, that was supposed to be multiple exclamation points (no question marks).... So BEAUTIFUL,!!!!!!
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