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Everything posted by KBee1127

  1. That's what I thought too. I think that's how the old policy worked. Now they're charging more because they want you to use THEIR vendors. They most likely lose out on their cut of the money when their vendors arent used. So instead they just charge you to bring someone in. Unless it is for decor, then you can use either Caribbean Celebrations or Creative Punta Cana, both are approved vendors.
  2. I am renting audio equipment and paying for an MC. I'm still debating on whether I'll pay for a DJ or just rent the equipment though. To my understanding, it is 100$ +16% tax for each additional hour just for the equipment.
  3. JayBerry, I am also a March 2013 bride. What date are you getting married? I was told there is a 500$ fee to bring in an outside photographer. A lot has changed from 2011 to 2012. I think those of us who booked our wedding in 2012 (for 2013) are missing out on some of the better incentives. One of the things being the 500$ fee for an outside photographer, and also the fact that we'll need to pay taxes and service fees (16%) on any of the "free hotel credits" that we use. Bummer. I guess nothing is ever really free!
  4. Hi Tatiana, I am also planning on having a rather large wedding, probably around 100+ guests. I was told that all wedding planning is done 3 months prior to your wedding (mine is March 23, 2013). How were you able to get all of your information so soon? I'm scared to death to have only 3 months to make all wedding arrangements!
  5. Hello ladies, I am new to this site and looking into planning my wedding at the Hard Rock Punta Cana in March of 2013. I've already run in to the same communication problems that everyone else is having. I requested my date almost two weeks ago and have continuously been promised that a confirmation email is to come but I have heard nothing :/ For those of you that have used an outside travel agent/wedding planner and found it to be more helpful, could you recommend someone? I was hoping to find someone who had experience in working with the Hard Rock but I guess that is unlikely.
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