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Everything posted by danak71

  1. I found the cutest wedge flip flops on this site. http://www.theaccessorybarn.com/
  2. I would just ask your wedding coordinator by email and get her response in writing. It can't hurt and you might get the response you want! :-)
  3. How many people are in your group? I have heard of them putting tables together for a semi-private dinner in one of the restaurants. We have 53 people in our group so we are paying for the private dinner for the reception. But we didn't want to pay for an additional private dinner, so she's putting tables together for 30 of us for the Rehearsal Dinner (which we won't have to pay extra for).
  4. Thank you. I think she'll love it. I got it from Etsy seller Yourpicturestory. They have a variety of storyboards to choose from or you can design your own.
  5. Both of Mark's parents and my dad are deceased so for parents it will just be my mom at our wedding. This is what we decided to get for her. Most of the text will be the same but I change it just a bit: Today a bride, tomorrow a wife, forever your daughter best friends for life. We're going to put a pic of me when I was little in the horizontal frame and one of our engagement pics in the vertical frame and give it to her at the Rehearsal Dinner the night before the wedding. Then after the wedding we'll give her one of the wedding photos.
  6. Those are amazing!!! I wish I was talented like that!
  7. Hey Date Twin! I'm in the same boat! 2 months from today I'll be married but we leave for Mexico on April 27 (1 week before) What I still have left to do: Select and purchase Groom (and groomsmen) attire Arrange travel to and from Atlanta airport Put together OOT bags (doing it in Mexico after we purchase more items there) Print graphic design pieces I had designed (door hanger, itinerary, check in card, favor tags, custom menus) Select hair style Programs Select location for Bridesmaid Luncheon (Hosting on March 23 but don't have location yet! LOL) Purchase gift for my mom Purchase cake server set and toasting glasses Purchase Fiance's Wedding Band Purchase Flameless Candles and Flameless Floating Candles Purchase t-shirts (having them printed when we get to Mexico for guests to wear on Catamaran Excursion) I'm sure there's more but that's the bulk of what's left. I'm trying to have it all done by end of March. That way I have 3 weeks left to go shopping and deal with unexpected issues.
  8. Ok this is a different type of "insider info" I'm searching for. :-) My fiance's friend is a dj and he's coming with us to dj our wedding which we're both excited about. He's bringing his own equipment (mixer board, laptop, etc.) However, we are trying to find somewhere in Cancun that we can rent powered speakers (at least 800 watts) so he doesn't have to ship or bring some with him. Do you have any ideas or suggestions? We're getting married at Excellence Playa Mujeres on May 4. Lynn
  9. There's one in the room that I've heard several brides mention they've used for small weddings or their small welcome receptions and said it worked great. I've also read other brides mention a Bose system they've purchased that was small but powerful. Not sure of the specific model, sorry.
  10. Done! I love your post and your story by the way. I hope you win!
  11. I normally Skype Nayeli, my coordinator from my cell phone and that way I can talk to her directly. Usually I spend less than 5 minutes on the phone getting all my questions answered and it costs less than 10 cents per minute.
  12. I sent you a PM but I see now what's available. I'd like the Shoes Optional Sign with the paint brushes and wicker basket.
  13. Not sure exactly what you're looking for but I have some Advil and some Shout packets.
  14. I'm working on seating arrangements today as well. I was told by another bride that doing 8 at the tables at my resort would be too cramped and I was better off doing tables of 6. I was planning to do a sweetheart table and then 10 tables of 6. My issue is trying to figure out who sits where??? So Mark has 3 friends from work coming and they're each bringing their wives. Do I sit all 3 couples together at one table because the guys work together and know each other or do I sit each couple at a different table so they get to mix and mingle with other guests? Do I sit the bridal party all together or mix them up with other people as well? I have 4 bridesmaids and 2 of them are bringing their husbands so that would be 6 if I kept them all at the same table. But I also have 2 hostesses so that would mean they would have to sit somewhere else. I was kinda thinking maybe I should put all the couples together and then all the singles together? Ugggghhhhh!!!! LOL
  15. We had the exact same timeline with respect to STD's, wedding website, invitations and RSVP date. We still have about 25 that we haven't gotten back. I did passport invitations with a boarding pass RSVP card and had several people tell me they weren't sending the card back because they wanted to keep the whole invitation as a keepsake! Which I understand and am flattered by but WTH!! Clearly I need to know whether they're coming, if they're bringing a guest, what their food selection is and whether or not they're joining us on the excursion that we're paying for! I sent out an email to everyone letting them know if they wanted to keep the RSVP card, they could just email me their meal selections and guests names. That helped a lot! But a waste of all those stamps for those that chose that option! I also put together a spreadsheet today of all the people I haven't received any type of response from and sent that to one of my bridesmaids. Starting Monday she is contacting everyone on the list to get a response. If she doesn't get them, she's leaving them a message letting them know we're taking their response (or lack of) as a no and we're sorry they can't make it. And then I'm done with it because we're getting too close and people have had a year to figure this out! I will say that the majority of our guests did the right thing (booked their room before the deadline, sent back their RSVP cards, etc.) but it's the other ones that wanna make me kill somebody! LOL
  16. I'm game...how do I get more info about it?
  17. I wanted to do the same thing. I know when we were considering getting married at El Dorado Royale that was something that was offered at their resort...not sure about EPM though.
  18. Our photographer is putting together a guestbook for us with a bunch of our engagement pics and questions on different pages for guests to answer, i.e., "Lynn and Marcus are perfect together because...", "Give us some ideas for a date night...", "What meals should we learn to cook together". We didn't share the gallery of images before so it will be an opportunity for them to see our photos from our engagement shoot as well as leave their well wishes in a more interactive way than just signing their name.
  19. Tova did you change your wedding date to next month?
  20. Not sure about your resort, but at Excellence, you can have a symbolic ceremony whether you've gotten legally married already or not. There are some brides that get married symbolically at the resort and then take care of the legal part when they return home. It's all a matter of preference. Since there's nothing legally binding, as far as the resort is concerned, they don't care either way.
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