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Everything posted by danak71

  1. I LOVE everyone's websites! It's so much fun going through all your pages...not to mention I've gotten some great ideas! I didn't have a "What to bring" page but that is awesome! You ladies ROCK!!! Thank you so much for sharing...I'm hoping to post mine by tomorrow. Lynn
  2. Sheryl your website is AWESOME! Thanks for sharing...I got some great ideas if you don't mind! :-) Mine is almost completely done, but I haven't released it to family and friends yet. I was waiting to complete the site visits last week and then try and get the date changed the last couple of days. I'm going to send my Save the Date out via email today and there will be a link to the wedding website up there. After I send out the Save the Date, I'll post the link up here for you guys to check it out.
  3. I would love to see your favor cards, menus and do not disturb signs! Everything you posted so far has been beautiful and so very helpful! Thank you so much!
  4. Do any of you ladies have a wedding website up that you would be willing to share?
  5. I didn't reach Nayeli today because she was working with a large group and out of the office all day; but fortunately I reached someone else in the wedding department and May 4 at 4pm is available so I'm switching my date to May 4, 2013. Any other brides getting married that weekend?
  6. May12, Thank you so much! There are so many photographers by the name of "Juan Carlos" when I put it in Google! And I emailed one that I found via Google and he told me he wasn't the photographer for the resort so then I was confused LOL My travel agent and I have calls in to Nayeli AND her boss trying to find out what Saturdays they have available in May and June at 4 pm but she's not responding! We have March 23, 2013 held until today but we're considering getting married a little later in the year if there's something available. But I don't want her to release March 23 and then she doesn't have another date available in May or June just be cause I waited to hear from her! If you think about it, would you just ask her if you speak with her if she has any Saturdays in May or June at 4 pm? I would love you forever if you were able to get that answered! My travel agent and I have been trying to no avail and I wish I had thought about it when I was there with the wedding coordinator that gave us the tour. But we didn't think about changing the date until we had already left the resort.
  7. Does anyone know who the resort photographer is at this point? I know it has changed several times. When I was at EPM last week for my site visit the wedding coordinator that gave us the tour (Alejandro maybe? sorry I don't remember his name) told me that it was Juan Carlos but I don't see any information anywhere for him so I'm wondering if that's accurate. Or maybe Juan Carlos is the name of the photographer but the company name is something different?
  8. I figured it out last night. Thanks a lot MsBlissMpls! Congratulations again and thanks for all the great tips!
  9. Amanda, I just got back from Mexico last night. We rented a car and did the site visits on Friday and EPM was AMAZING!!! I brought my fiance, my mom and 2 of my girlfriends (who are bridesmaids) with me. We looked at both Excellence properties and El Dorado Royale (which is the resort my travel agent really wanted us to pick). We all fell in love with EPM from the time we drove up. Everywhere you go, they have aromatherapy which is so soothing and relaxing-from the lobby to the spa, to all the restaurants we went to. ERC is very similar in structure; however it doesn't have the same "luxury" feel at all. That was the one thing that stuck out to all of us was that EPM had a feeling of luxury. EDR was very nice but it was HUGE. They brought us around from one place to the next on a golf cart because it was really too much to try and walk it. We're expecting 60-70 people so trying to get everyone from A to B at that large a resort seems problematic to me. They treated us to lunch at EDR and the one thing I will say is that their food is DELISH! If there was one reason to make me book my wedding there it would be because their food was so darn good! But overall I knew that EPM was the place for us. I just wanted to see some of the other resorts I had been considering so I wouldn't have any regrets or wonder if I had chosen the best place. I know now that I have!
  10. How do you go about paying the $20 to be able to download documents? WEDDING PLANNER FORMAT.xlsx 01-Bouquets.pdf 02 SILVER & GOLD DINNERS.pdf 00-Price List.pdf 01 COCKTAIL HOUR.pdf 03 WEDDING CAKES.pdf 03-Boutonnieres.pdf 04-Ladies Corsages.pdf 05-Hair Flowers.pdf 06-Centerpieces.pdf 07-Gazebos.PDF Excellence Playa Mujeres Price List 2011-2012.pdf MX PRICE LIST PYROTECHNIC CATALOG.pdf PYROTECHNIC CATALOG JPG-BODAS.pdf
  11. We're getting married March of next year. We haven't given our deposit yet as we're still checking out resorts. But I've had my mind set on EPM until I found out the resort is quieter than I originally thought. I'm now considering El Dorado Royale. There's a thread up here for that resort as well so I'll check it out. Thank you so much for your feedback!
  12. That was what I had heard that's why I didn't really think that was an option considering if we were going to do that, we might as well just pay the outside vendor fee.
  13. Ladies can anyone tell me what the choices are for photographers at EDR? We would rather not pay the fee if we don't have to and I'd like to look at the work for any that are already approved. Thanks!
  14. This is my 1st post on this thread. I'm considering EDR for my wedding next year and am going on a site visit to see it next week so I'm super excited! My FH told me he did his part (buying the ring) and said that's what your mom and friends are for (planning the wedding)...I'm kind of glad I can just make decisions without having to wait to get his ok first! LOL
  15. Question for past brides...what is the night life like? I'm bringing a group of about 60-70 people with a mixture of couples and singles. Majority of them are party people! LOL So I want to make sure they resort has enough for them to do at night and doesn't shut down at like 11pm each night.
  16. Congratulations! I'm so glad to hear things turned out perfectly! Enjoy your honeymoon!
  17. Here's some of what was discussed: White covered chairs are included in the Gold package They have a knife for the cake or if you would prefer to bring your own you can. After the couple cuts the cake, the head server will cut the rest of the cake for the guests In order to get the free wedding (valued at $850) either the couple has to stay in excellence club ocean view room for 7 nights, or have 5 guest rooms booked for 7 nights in any category. Basically you have to have at least 35 room nights booked total. You can have a violinist, flutist, or guitarist at the ceremony instead of having the mariachi band at the cocktail reception.
  18. I attended the webinar with Nayeli yesterday so if there are any questions you guys have ask them and I'll give you any answers I got. I took a lot of notes, asked a ton of questions and fortunately lots of other couples asked questions that I didn't even think of. Lynn
  19. stefkva, would you mind emailing the script to me? [email protected] Thank you so much! You're a doll for sharing this! Lynn Ceremony Script.docx
  20. Welcome! I'm a newbie myself but just wanted to reach out and tell you congratulations on your wedding! Did you attend the webinar yesterday?
  21. Thanks emstypes! I'm so enjoying this site so far! I've gotten a lot of great ideas and helpful info from the awesome ladies up here!
  22. I was wondering that same exact thing! Does anyone have a copy of it? I would love to see it!
  23. I finally heard from Nayeli tonight and she answered all my questions...of course, her answers just prompted more questions so now I'm back to waiting for a response from her again! At least I'll see her in 2 weeks and I can ask her things face to face. I need to start making a list of my questions now!
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