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Everything posted by Noxx

  1. Hi have seen Fireworks in some on the brides photos does anyone know if they still do them and the cost?
  2. Beautiful Job! Did you buy the cigars at home or down there? Where did you get the personalized stamp made?
  3. i think i am going to have the first chair on each side all the way down the isle with a sash. that way im not brining down a ton of sashes and i still get some colour in the ceremony
  4. I just emailed Ramon asking about dinner menu options. His reply was that we are to pick one set menu that all guests are to have. As for vegetarian options, i am a vegetarian and asked him to send me a vegetarian menu but his reply to that was the Chef will come up with a menu. i am going to be bugging him for a set menu since Im paying for the meals i feel like i should have a choice of what i will be eating. I have the devine package and think im going serve the beef with asparagus and potatoes. Also if you are having any children the childrens menu is a choice of fruit cocktail, tomato soup, chicken fingers and spagghtti , cheese burger and fries with either ice cream or chocolate cake kids menus are $25 us plus tax if you are over your 25 guests ( i feel this is the biggest rip off)
  5. Anyone picked out their Dinner Menus yet? Any formal brides that can suggest anything good?
  6. You were able to use your anniversary nights to stay at a different resort? I asked my travel agent and was told that we werent able to do so. Did you book through the resort of an agent. In curious i am looking to stay an extra week at a different resort but they are going to charge me $2000 just to stay there each for the week. To stay at our resort they are going to charge me almost as much as i paid for the whole trip including flight. Im so torn i want to have a honeymoon but they are charging an arm and a leg.
  7. Hi Lauren, Thank you so much for the reply. I am thinking of bringing down paper lanterns to hang. our ceremony is on the tequila terrace. just not too sure how many to purchase. How many did you have? Also i was thinking of personalizing the drink mugs. would love to know where you got yours. i am going to bring down chair sashes and i think we are going to have tequila as our favors but havent decided as of yet. I am going to have flower centerpieces not sure if i need to put anything else on there. Any suggestions? Did you go with the hotel hairdresser and makeup? how did you find it? Thanks again Andrea
  8. I am having my wedding on the tequila i am looking to purchase lanterns to hang how many do you suggest? How big is it? im thinking possibly 10? any suggestions?
  9. I think i am going to go with the half up and half down look. that way hopefully my hair will stay a little out of my face. i believe the devine package has a 30 min video included so i havent looked into a videoographer
  10. Congrats! I am not booking a Dj although i have heard wonderful things he is very expensive. $350 per hour and a vending fee of $300. You can rent the sound system for $150 an hour and play your ipod. Thats what we have decided to do. I believe we are only allowed 3 hours for our reception but could be wrong.
  11. Hi Kail, I have decided to stay with the 6 pm ceremony time. That way i still get to tan in the morning and it will be a little cooler for everyone during the ceremony. I have the tequila terrace booked for our reception and cocktail hour. We are getting married on the beach. Im also hoping that 6 most people will be off the beach and getting ready for dinner. I decided to go with the Devine package, mind you there really isnt much of a difference. the devine just has the soloist and the chair covers and isle runner. I believe it also comes with 2 corsages and 2 boutiniers. we are going to have a symbolic ceremony my fiance isnt happy able having to pay $250 more and have a blood test down there. So we are just going to city hall just him and I and getting married but our real wedding will be in Mexico with everyone. I agree with the veil i think i may just can the idea. I have tried on a few and didnt make me more of a bride so i dont think i will miss it. Have you booked a photographer yet?
  12. Thank you so much Shay4966! love the ideas you posted. I like to idea of adding orange or yellow as well.
  13. Has anyone used or booked Juan Navarro for their photographer? thinking of using him . Love Del Sol but they are very expensive
  14. I am also confused on my choices. do our guests not get to pick froom 2 choice? ie beef or chicken?
  15. Im thinking of getting a vail any brides suggest having one or did you find it too windy? I just change our reception time to 6 at night do you think this is a good choice? Also i got the devine package did anyone get the sax or the guitarist?
  16. I am debating on Black and Pink and Hot Pink and Lime Green. I think the pink and green will look better in pictures but cant decide. thoughts???
  17. Leigh3124, Thank you so much for sharing your photos they are so beautiful. Did you bring down your own decor? I have been looking for cheap chair sashes and table runners. Your centerpieces are beautiful did you use the hotel ? any suggestions or tips for future brides that you would change or get if you were to do it again? Also which package did you go with? I have the Devine not sure what the arch will look like if it comes decorated or do you have to pay extra? Thanks for all your info!
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