Hi All, I am looking to get my OOT bag labels, notepads, magnets etc. printed through Vistaprint. Just curious, if I upload my logo once, do they charge you again if you want to use the logo for multiple products? Thanks!
I recently went to the Dollar Tree in Scarborough and I found that their products are not as good as Dollarama. I did find my OOT bags at Creative Bag in Mississauga - I bought cotton canvas totes for $1.50.
I didn't know what OOT bags were either until I found this site! I was onboard with the idea right away, but the fiancee wasn't too crazy about spending more money. But in the end we decided that our guests have spent a bit of money to join us for the wedding so it is the least we can do to give them a little bag of goodies. We also decided to have a get together prior to the trip so that we won't have to lug everything to Mexico. We also decided we are doing 1 bag per room or family. If there 2 single people sharing a room we would give them a bag each. I have been obsessively reading the posts about OOT bags and decided get canvas tote bags (and iron on transfer our logo) so that they can use the bags when going to the pool or beach. We also bought bubba kegs as we swear by bringing these to an all inclusive resort. And I am currently researching prices for the other little items we can put in the bag so that I can be as frugal as possible. I am still looking for ways to incorporate a map of the resort or a list of excursions they can take - not sure how to put that together just yet.....
In my situation, my bridesmaid's friend decided to invite herself and husband to come to Mexico with us. My bridesmaid asked me if that would be ok and at first I didn't see a problem, but then I decided it was best to tell my bridesmaid no. I didn't want her friends to be a part of the wedding since I've never met them. I guess people think its just a nice vacation to tag along to - but its still your wedding.
I decided not to pay for my bridesmaids dresses. But I was hoping that they would find dresses that would be nice enough to wear again. I chose black and they all ended up founding cute dresses at BCBG on sale. We tried going to bridal stores but I couldn't picture them wearing typical bridesmaids dresses. I'm glad it all worked out.
I started doing INSANITY this sunday and boy was I sore! I thought I had good cardio but this really made me work! I'm really enjoying it and hopefully I can start to see the results! Wedding is in September so I'm trying to get a good workout routine and keep it consistent for the next few months.