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Everything posted by misschris

  1. I am getting married there next week - we are all cruising with Carnival, so we won't have too much time on the island. I'll let you know how it goes! On the initial topic, I would suggest going with an agent, hands down! It has been a nightmare for me to keep up with everyone's plans, and that's just for an all-inclusive cruise for 26 and a couple of flights. I can't imagine hotel rooms, flights, transportation on the island, and all the additional events like dinners and parties that you have to contend with when you stay there several days. Take it from me, a complete control freak: you'll have enough to worry about - let someone else do it! Shop around - "interview" a couple of people, and let your heart guide you. If you don't feel confident that they can help you in your first communications, find someone else! Like mentioned in another reply, agents have the ability to give you bonuses or freebies, so ask about that to. Christina
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