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Everything posted by helenSIerra

  1. Hello again. I am writting my experiece with NANTINA just in case i will help anyone who plans to visit. The general idea is that the dresses are in a high quality. I tried some of them and all - even that some were not in my size- of them were gorgeous!!! They have European culture and as the lady told me they can customize also any of them to my needs. Pricewise it was ok for my budjet. The dresses i tried costed 1.900$ - 2.500$ Especially with one i am in LOVE. But i have to mention some negative comments. Even if the store is located in a traditional bridal building - as the lady said- the showroom has not plenty of room. You need patient to try your dress and i would say that the collection loses its glamour in this place. But i propose it with no doubts. It's a like a small tresure to find something tottally new in NY!!! The website that they have is www.nantinabride.com I hope to help somebody
  2. Thank you for your reply. My friend actually arranged an appointment to visit the store that has this company's dresses. I checked also at google and i found out the website and also an ebay ad. It would more helpful for me if somebody had any experience from Nantina. When i will go to visit them i will mention my experience. Maybe i will help someone else!
  3. Hello all. Since i am a new forum user and also new bride to be, i apologise myself for any mistakes. I live in NY. Talking with my friends about my wedding dress, stores and brands that i am planning to visit, a friend of mine told me about a wedding brand named Nantina, or Nantina Bride. Does anyone have an idea about it? I have never heard of it. Any info would be appreciated. Thank you!
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