I was going to do OOT bags, but with nearly 100 people coming we have now changed things. We decided to order mugs for everyone from Factory 21 on ebay. We already ordered a few OOT items, so we will put those inside of the mugs: individually wrapped tylenols, Emergen-C's, band-aids, a toy water gun, some moist towelettes, a mini flashlight, and a condom hehe. I’m going to be pre- packing them and carrying them all down in suitcases…. What customs issues have you heard of? I’m also bringing down chair sashes, buri fans, bridesmaids bouquets, a trash –the-dress dress, floating lanterns, and some table decorations… My family members will be bringing down an extra suitcase each since they don’t need a second one anyways (and only $25 for a second suitcase per person).