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Everything posted by 2013Bride

  1. Has anyone had any issues with pricing? We booked a year and a half ago and put our deposit down at that time. Our wedding is next month. My understanding is that a deposit is so that you can hold that current price and spot. Since then the price of the dance floor has went up (even though the website still has the cheaper price) and even though I was told one price (and have showed emails to prove so) they are asking that I pay $144 extra. The dance floor is pricey to begin with so I don't appreciate having to pay extra and is putting a sour taste in my mouth. Just wanted to know if this happened to anyone else (I hope not!)?
  2. Hey there fellow brides, Wanted to give you the heads up that they have finally created a wedding website for Marina El Cid. It is www.elcidweddings.com
  3. Does anyone know the costs of the dance floor and dj? I have a price list and thought they were quite pricey but then noticed at the bottom of my list that they are in pesos so wanted to confirm what pricing you all had? Thank you!!
  4. That is wonderful to hear. Would you be able to email me the document with the different meal choices? [email protected] Thank you so much! Wow not much longer for you, how exciting!!!!!
  5. Thank you, Congrats to you as well!! My wedding is still quite some time away, November 12, 2013 (11/12/13!) My best friend is a travel agent so she had her eye open for great deals for some time now, and ended up finding a really awesome group rate through Westjet (I am from Canada ) So we had all of our guests place their deposits as of Nov 17th, with final payment due until September of 2013. I had sent my invites out and started to worry myself, because nobody was booking. Several people waited until the last minute and about 70% of our guests booked the week the deposit was due, so it all worked out ha ha. So I would just give it a bit of time if you just sent your STD's out last week, they will come around!!! You must be getting excited though!
  6. Thanks so much for the confirmation ladies! I have 60 people coming and only had 9 platinum rooms booked for 7 nights so was just going to pay for the 10th platinum room but now I see I don't have to, yay!! What a relief that we are covered!!
  7. Hi there brides! I am confused by that as well. I was told if we book 10 or more platinum rooms for our trip (which we did) that our wedding meal would be free.
  8. When in November are you getting married? We are getting married November 12, 2013!
  9. Hi there, I was so thrilled to find this thread for this resort as there is not alot of information on the website. Will be great to connect with other brides! Our wedding is booked for 11/12/13 (november of next year) and I too was wondering what we were going to do about center pieces, I would love it if you could email me the center piece options that Deyanira sent you ( [email protected]) Are you bringing your own or using ones from the hotel? Ashley
  10. Hi there! When you book the restaurant is it a private dinner for only your guests or will there be other guests there as well? We were going to have our reception on the beach but you now have me concerned about the wind. I wonder if it is windy year round there as we will be going in November. Thank you! Ashley
  11. Thank you for all of your useful information, sure is helpful in the beginning stages of planning. I will be getting married there in Nov of 2013!! Since you ORBeachbride have been there before I had a quick question about the night life. I understand that there is no disco and my group is not a huge party group anyways so this is not of concern. But I am wondering if there is anything to do in the evenings or if any of the bars are open later. I am thinking about the night of the wedding and where my guests and I wiill go after the alotted 4 hours of our reception are up. Any suggestions or input from your own experience? Thank you!! Ashley
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