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Everything posted by MsHarryWinston

  1. I have a question about puting OTC pills in the first aid kits. I priced out individual packets of pills and they are SUPER expensive and I'm a budget bride. Also in Canada so shipping kicks my butt. Would it be ok to just get large bottles of pills and put them into little baggies along with direction cards and labels? Anyone coming would know me really well so obviously know I'm not trying to poison them. I think I saw a couple other brides do this and it seems much more economical. I'd like to put in aspirin, antacids, an anti-constipation and an anti-diarreal. About 8 of each (4 per person). Oh, and they would be going into the dollar store hard case first aid kits with other cool stuff. Thanks.
  2. For "beach set up event" do they mean literally on the BEACH as in sand between your toes? I thought i saw a photo where the wedding reception was literally on the sand. It looked very pretty. But it would suck if it got windy. Could be a very cool to set up a beach party though if you've got unlimited events. Is the Caribbean Terrace the super huge one with the bar under the canopy and the lounge area? I saw 2 rooftop terraces and now I can't remember which is which. I think that the set up charge could be worth it for the view and to already have a club lounge like area already up there without having to rent one from Zuniga.
  3. AAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!! Omg I actually yelled out loud when I saw these. They're so amazing. I love that you added golf balls, especially since I read that getting them at the course was stupid expensive. I'm completely addicted to OOT Bag ideas now.
  4. Quote:Originally Posted by natalie47 Hi girls, Yes, Krystalbab. It is the room nights. So if you have a couple booked in for 7 days it equals 7 room nights. In regards to private functions. You have one hour cocktail hour and two hours for a private function. This is included if you have unlimited private functions. I am having another hour for the private function. Therefore, three hours in total. For,the extra hour I have to pay $60 per table. But I only have four table so not too bad. Also you have to pay $12 per person to have the reception setup outside. I am having this on the Caribbean terrace. You only pay this fee once. It is $6 per person for the cocktail hour set up but because I am paying one set up cost the cheaper one is waived. Hope this helps! I have Beatrix Santana as my Florida based wedding co ordination and get married in less than 6 weeks. I still have not signed my contract as needed to finalise flowers and butionneres. Have emailed palace weddings direct with no reply. Has anybody else who had Beatrix been directed to anyone else? If so, could you provide me with contact details. She did tell me my onside wedding co ordinator would be daniela Lara. But she does not reply to my emails. I am turning into bridezilla now!!! thanks girls I thought the $12 fee was only if you had you're private function on an UPSTAIRS terrace where there is no elevator (like the Caribbean terrace). But beach side one (like Tucan terrace) didn't have that fee.
  5. Thanks. Nice to know that it could at least be possible. No way would I try to do it every night, just maybe a "welcome to Cancun let's party" dinner and a "thanks for coming out folks now get the hell out of my hair so I can get on with my honeymoon" brunch I'm going to be a budget bride *sigh* so I'm trying to get a general idea of the cost of things. BTW I'm SO mad at this new $200/table set up fee if you bring your own decorations!! How could it POSSIBLY cost $200/table?? Now decorations are going to cost me about $700 for a party of 50 instead of like $100. And that $100 in decorations is now $1000 with their fees!? I'm just so furious. Has anyone found away around this yet? (anyone that DIDN'T book before the change). I just can't see paying $200/table to get them to put out a chiffon table overlay, chair sashes and a few candles.
  6. Thanks, but what I meant was for EXTRA functions. Like a welcome dinner and going away brunch. Using the one dinner reservation for the reception, but then seeing if we can find a way to get everyone sat together in the restaurants for other special meals. Exactly the same as in north America when you make a reservation at 6pm for a party of 8, you know? It's not a private or semi-private function, you're just getting them to hold seating for you at a specific time. That's what I was wondering is possible. If you can tip someone to hold a table for you or something.
  7. I saw someone say that with the complimentary wedding you actually have a Small choice of different tablecloth covers, while someone else said they only got white for free and had to pay for anything else. Anyone know what's what?
  8. Thank you thank you! That makes so much sense. Another question. Everyone seems to be going the private function route (which I love), but... What if it's only like 12-15 people or so? Instead of paying $400 or such for the extra private functions, welcome dinner etc, can you make reservations at the restaurants? Can you tip someone to hold like seating for 12 at a certain time just so that everyone can sit together? I can see private functions for maybe 20+ people but I had this image of everyone Rsvping "no" and there are only 12 people there. So has anyone ever made or know if it's possible to make reservations so that a group can sit together? Thanks Btw you ladies are AMAZING! This is my new fav forum.
  9. Hi ladies, just joined the site. Not engaged (yet) but completely set on Moon Palace. Question, since you don't get to choose where your having your ceremony and reception until 90 days out, what on earth did you put on your invites? Ceremony at Moon Palace 4 O'clock PM Reception to follow, location to be announced ?? I mean when did people find out things like "at the beach gazebo" or "tucan terrace?". Did you put the finalized locations on your wedding website? OOT bag itinerary insert? Was the ceremony location already confirmed by invitation time and you're just waiting on reception and other party venues? Yes, as you can see this it the one thing where the timing really threw me for a loop! Lol. Thanks
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