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Everything posted by KlazNov17

  1. Do any brides have their playlists they would be willing to share? I'm trying to get away with not having a dj to keep costs down.
  2. Do any of the brides have a copy of the gold package wedding planner? Why don't they send this to us right away? It would make it so much easier to budget!
  3. What DJ are you going with and how much are they charging you?? I am debating on whether this is the way I want to go, or just bring an iPod with a speaker system.
  4. Awesome! It sounds like a lot of fun and more casual which is what I am looking for! Thanks!
  5. From all the other posts from brides, it sounds like once you get there everything is taken care of. I hope it's the same for you! Congrats and I hope you have a great time!
  6. Does anyone know where the Mexican fiesta on Friday is held and what time it starts? I want to include this info on my invitations for the rehearsal dinner but have not heard back from Lleny yet.
  7. I know this was touched on a while ago, but what is everyone doing about the menu? I am not thrilled with the selections and don't know if I should offer a fish dish or just beef or chicken. I need to decide fast so I can include the option on my invites I am trying to get ordered this week! I also really don't want to offer soup as a course. I was thinking something more along the lines of jumbo prawns or something?? Is anyone else having an issue with the menu?
  8. Sharon99, I feel your pain! I had my best friend of 17 years tell me that we shouldn't wait until next year just because it will give guests more time to save money and that everyone goes on vacation, so we set a date of Nov 17th this year. Now she is telling me she can't go because it is too soon for her to save the money! As disappointed as I am, in the end you are right and I only need one person there!
  9. Hi BeachBride! Congrats on your engagment! I guess they do 3 weddings a day! Ours is at 4pm that day and we are workin gwith Lleny Gomez. Who is your WC? I just got my date confirmed about 2 weeks ago so I feel a little behind and overwhelmed! Have you decided what you are doing for the reception yet? Where you are having it and if you are getting a DJ? There are so many details!
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