Chedck with your travel agent. It is probably different depending on their relationship with the resort! We put a deposit down for a certain numberof rooms in order to ensure availability.
I love that idea. Can you call the resort and ask them if they know of any local places? I think there is a party supply store in Cancun. We actually had a pinata at my shower... and a sombrero with a veil. It is a cute touch!
I think I posted before, but we are doing the legal ceremony in the US and keeping it our little secret. We will fill out the paperwork, make an appointment with a judge and afterwards, go out to dinner to celebrate! Probably pizza!
We are doing shells/ starfish in vases. Anel told me that you can rent vases from the resort for $10 each, but I think we are going to just go to the Walmart or party supply store in Cancun to get our own when we get there. The only things I am going to bring is the shells and potentially votives and holders.
We are having one too - a lot of people can't make it to the wedding or the shower or both and want to celebrate. We are also upgrading after having lived on our own for the past 10+ years.