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Everything posted by L2475

  1. I did try office depot they do not ship to Canada but I actually found a lady on eBay that can get them for me Thanks
  2. Just wondering how the frame worked out during your wedding and traveling home with it, I am thinking of making one but am not all the crafty so it worries me a bit Would love to hear how it worked out, nice job though it looks pefect Leigh Ann
  3. Just wanted to let you know I found a lady that has these books let me know how many you guys need and maybe we can split them up
  4. Thanks I already tried to order online and was not able too but it is weird cause they show up online Thanks
  5. HI Neosailer That is the book that I want!!! I am wondering what office depot you went to and did they have lots? I have only been able to find one and I want them so bad I am from Canada but go to the state all the time but see you are from Texas so that is a bit out of my way hopefully I will be able to get them over time Thanks so much for the update
  6. Absolutely I will I have heard or girls getting them At office depot and staples too...good luck
  7. Hi I am wondering if anyone has found the spanish for dummies books at Target recently? I see alot of post from back in 2009 but wonderin about 2012
  8. That is correct if your photographer is stayng at the resort you do not have to pay a fee, sorry forgot to mention that
  9. No I never did find it again I will post it if I find it but I may just do something else
  10. Weird I saw it on here and now I can't find it anywhere I did find one taht I think I can change
  11. Hi Girls This is the picture that I am using for inspiration, I got it form another girl and this is what her's looked like I did think this would be something that would be easy to pack, I was able to get plastic plates from Micheals I also got some starfish from there along with some shells and the sand you get there Hope this helps!!!
  12. I am doing my own decorations bringing my own sages and table runners I am also doing my own centerpieces just a plate with sand a candle Some starfish and shells pretty basic but that is fine with me I do think the packages are a bit over priced and keep being told that it is so beautiful there you don't need many decorations
  13. Thank you thank you please let me know I can't find them anywhere I will take Whatever you have left and I will start a collection Hope you have a wonderful wedding!!! Leigh Ann
  14. Does anyone know where I can find or order this Spanish phrases for dummies mini edition In Canada or that ships to Canada? I have tried eBay and tried to find a staples which I understand you can buy them there but no luck found one I REALLY want them for my gift bags
  15. Hey Congratulations Beachy2013!! I do know some of the answers to your questions, first off have you checked out the facebook page Majestic colonial Brides? It is awesome and tons of information there I have read many times that the La Barcza boat is awazing lots of reviews about it on there too. I have also been told many times taht the beach is blocked off for wedding so people can not come right up so no worries there that is where I am getting married so beautiful There are alot of extra charges for things if you want alot of decorations and extras it is probably worth getting a package, alot of girls seem to bring there own sahes as the resort charges $5 each sash they also bring there own cake toppers and what ever else but some use the resort and I have been told it is around $5 for each flower I hope that I have helped you a bit
  16. I am looking for the label that said Hangover kit not Wedding week survival kitI used that one first but changed my mind and now I can't find it for the life of me if anyone has it and would post it for me, I would VERY MUCH appreciate it Thanks in advance
  17. Hi I was wondering if someone could send me the templates for the hangover kits or survival that you posted on here, much appreciated my email is [email protected] Thanks a bunch Leigh Ann
  18. Hi I was wondering if you could send me the templates that you posted on here, that is if you still have then I was not able to open them, much appreciated my email is [email protected] Thanks a bunch Leigh Ann
  19. Congratulations!!! I too am considering the Majestic for April 2013 so hard to pick Happy planning
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