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Everything posted by SFedEsq

  1. A question for you 2012 brides. I am an April 2013 bride with a rather large wedding (130-140 guests). I was wondering if any of you have a guest list of this size and, if so, what your price quotes are thus far for the all important wedding cake. I am trying to get a budget together and want to have at least an idea of how much I might expect to spend in this area. A second question - Flowers. Are any of you going through Moon Palace for your flowers? If so, how much did this run? The website outlines prices for bridal bouquets and MOH bouquets, but what about something for bridesmaids, flower girls, etc... Thanks! x
  2. Hi All -- I am a Moon Palace April 2013 bride. Have been stalking the 2012 forum for information over the last few months, but have found Palace has changed quite a bit up for 2013 weddings. I was previously working with Geraldine and am now assigned to Ricardo, who has been much more prompt with his responses. We are expecting roughly 125-145 for our wedding with most guests staying a week. We will have a Catholic ceremony, followed by a cocktail hour and then our reception in one of the ballrooms (hopefully Star in the Sunrise section). Our save the dates are sent out (I am using Paperless Post since we have guests coming, literally, from across the globe. Postage would have been INSANE) and we have a wedding website up with information for our guests. Our guests are booking through my in-laws' Palace Membership, so we aren't using a travel agent or anything like that. I plan to send a formal invitation later this fall, even though most of our guests have already indicated their interest in attending. My wedding dress was ordered last month and I'm now working on emailing our attendants about wardrobe. Since so many decisions can't be made until closer to our wedding date, I want to get all of the things I *can* manage under control. I am sure a lot of you brides feel the same way. Looking forward to sharing information and helpful hints, particularly about pricing for cake, flowers, etc... Happy planning everyone! x
  3. Hi All -- I am a Moon Palace April 2013 bride. Have been stalking the 2012 forum for information over the last few months, but have found Palace has changed some things up for 2013 weddings. I was previously working with Geraldine and am now assigned to Ricardo, who has been much more prompt with his responses. We are expecting roughly 125-145 for our wedding with most guests staying a week. We will have a Catholic ceremony, followed by a cocktail hour and then our reception in one of the ballrooms (hopefully Star in the Sunrise section). Looking forward to sharing information, particularly about pricing for cake, flowers, etc... Happy planning everyone! x
  4. Hey MP Brides, My fiance and I decided on MP for our wedding next April. With over a year to go, our planning is in its infancy and I'm just working on crunching numbers and getting our budget in place. I was wondering if any of you MP '12 brides have a list of approved photographers for the resort... I was told by the Miami folks that there is a $500 fee for using outside vendors, but approved photographers will just require a day pass per photographer. The woman I spoke with mentioned Del Sol being on the list, but their packages seem to start a bit high... What's more, she also said that the approved photographers list was "up in the air still"... Just trying to get an idea of what they've approved in the past so we can budget accordingly. This thread is always super helpful, so thanks in advance! Happy Friday!
  5. Hey there brides and wives -- My fiance and I got engaged at the beginning of February (the Giants won a superbowl ring and I got an engagement ring. Wish they'd win every year). In any event, I haven't done much concrete planning yet, but my fiance and I are pretty much set on Moon Palace. Hence, how I found this forum. Having skimmed some of the posts though it seems response times in the Miami office leave something to be desired, so I was hoping I could direct two big questions to you ladies and see if you can give me some clarity before we take any concrete steps with Moon Palace. First, legal marriage in Mexico: I'm not so excited about this proposition for a variety of reasons. I see some couples choose a civil ceremony before they leave the states and have a symbolic ceremony at the resort. My fiance and I are planning on a Catholic ceremony. Can anyone tell me...If we are not legally wed in Mexico, can we still have a Catholic ceremony? Now, the second hang up: I always envisioned an outdoor reception and I know Moon Palace has some fantastic outdoor venues. But, I'm marrying in to a very large family and what I thought would be a 30-50 person affair is looking more like it could easily be a 100-120 person affair. Are there outdoor venues at Moon Palace that can accommodate such a crowd? Or would we be relegated to one of the ballrooms on property? From what I've read so far, this is an incredibly helpful exchange of information and ideas. If we ultimately settle on MP, I look forward to joining in the fun. Congratulations to all of you!
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