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About melissa5386

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  1. There is a UK bride forum but I found that there wasnt that much about specific hotels!! Our plans are going well - everything seems to be organised that we are able to do before we get there! We just need to pick from the menu options now! How are your plans going? What date are you getting married? Where in the UK are you from? We have choosen to get married in the Gazeebo, have a cocktail hour on the beach then back to the Gazeebo terrace for our reception. We are actually staying in the Royal but we like the Caribe Gazeebo better. Elizabeth is our wedding cooordinator and she has been great! Look forward to speaking to you soon.
  2. Hi Ladies, Hope you are all well? I am from Scotland and have booked to get married at the Gran Caribe Gazeebo on 22nd October 2012. Are you all still posting in this thread or is there another one? Would love to share any tips and the planning process with you all! I am starting to stress a little lol! Hope to hear from you ladies soon xxxxx
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