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Quote: Originally Posted by TheWolferts Hi ladies!!! My husband and I are hoping to book a March trip to somewhere warm and fabulous in March... Thoughts on location and/or resort?! We have high standards after staying at EDR twice, but I dont think we want to splurge that much, so we are looking for a great "bang for our buck"! I don't know if you get email updates about the Karisma properties but coming December 1, 2013 they are opening AZUL Sensatori Jamaica. http://www.karismahotels.com/HotelsResorts/ForEveryone/AzulSensatoriJamaica This might be an option I have gotten a couple emails running specials since it will just be opening that might be a few kinks that you would putting up with but I am sure being a Karisma property it would still be really nice.
mstigger- I went through this twice my MIL wanted a reception in my husband's home state of NJ and My parents wanted one in MO. I was totally hands off and they kept trying to drag me in... So I feel your pain. And I know with being you MIL it is the tread lightly situation. As far as "registering" for Lowes or another hardware store, I had put on our wedding website that we have tons of Honey To Do projects going on and asked for money or Home Depot gift cards if they wanted to get us something. Also you can register on Amazon.com for those things too. For invites we took the photos from the actual wedding and made postcard to send people and had them RSVP by email or phone. We also let people know on the post card that it was informal. If you want you can shoot me a PM and I will look for the PDF to show you the post card for our reception. Last but not least Good Luck!
I feel your pain we are finally done with all wedding stuff we had to have AHR in NJ (my Husband's home town) and MO (where I am from and live)! I think it was more of a pain b/c I planned my wedding for Mexico the additional AHR were our mothers wanting! Finally feel like I can just enjoy being married now. But I am already planning our trip back for our 1 year! LOL!
Oh yeah I am sure it is going to be hell... I go by the nickname Betsy but Elizabeth is my legal name so that is a hassle with all the different applications that we have some have a Betsy profile, others Elizabeth, or some have both. My Betsy profile has limitations and the Elizabeth profile has access to everything but what the Betsy profile has access to I just can't win. We just did an upgrade on one of the Apps to a couple things recently that it dropped using our names to using our company employee ID and my access was all screwed up b/c for the last 7 years I have had two different profiles. LOL! It will only get worst with the name change.
I am right there with you... I will let you know when I have mine! I am ready to get the name change over with ASAP. Or I guess more annoying is that my company doesn't change my last name at work until it is official so I am tried of the old ladies ask if I am not taking my husbands name. At this point I have just started to say no I like being higher in Alphabetical order then him! I am a 'B' and he is a 'D' it has been funny watching there faces not understand the joke.
Sorry I was out of town visiting the Hubby's family for the at home reception in NJ with all his family that didn't make it to Mexico... I was just rereading our spreadsheet that we had from Valeria and it states on there it is 60 Business days (I personally didn't notice Business when I first was looking at it but that was in planning craziness so that is fair) and it makes sense considering there were restrictions around holidays and what not. So it looks like if I estimated correctly we will not get out certificates until May mid to late. I am not sure if there were any federal holidays in there.
Hello all my fellow EDR brides! I am sorry I have been no show and have not gotten a review written for you all... I have been sick the whole month of march and it took all my strength to get through a work day that I was not able to sit down and write all the wedding details out for you. I apologies in advance and hope to have some free time soon. I will share with you the preview of my wedding photos. Those of you that are still trying to figure out your photographer Sarani was fabulous and these are just a few of the photos she got of us. http://saraniweddingsblog.com/2013/03/26/betsy-jp-mayan-riviera-destination-wedding-photography-by-sarani/ Let me know if you have trouble with the link. I know there is a link on her FB page too. I am so excited to see some of the photos I can't wait for the rest!
Everything went prefect! Nothing was out of place and it was all great. I have no complaints. I am getting ready to leave again to head out to a friend's wedding in Punta Cana this weekend. Nothing like being gone for 15 days from work coming back for 3 and leaving again. LOL! I am a little worried b/c they were at our wedding and all our guest were blown away with how awesome the resort was and how prefect the wedding ceremony and reception were. The couple's wedding we are going to this weekend didn't get any perks like we get from El Dorado. I am not sure if they even really have a wedding coordinator. They were having difficulty getting the resort to contact them back to get things planned. At one point the bride told me she would just pick everything out on Friday (the day before their wedding). It should be interesting. I will give more details and review when I get back to normalcy. I will say one thing about the decorating fee they charge. I was simple on my decorations for the tables at the reception (which has a story all its own). I asked a couple guest if they mind helping put a couple table numbers up for me and votive candles. I didn't want to pay $150 set up fee for so few things for 6 tables. I read somewhere you could not go into the reception area until right before it was time. Well I figure all my friends would need is 5-10 minutes max. Well just a heads up I was told that we could go into the reception area anytime after 5:00 pm (the reception started at 6:00). So those of you that don't have a whole lot to set up and you have really nice guest that would not mind helping keep that in mind. I am sure if you had something more elaborate then a few items to set as a center piece they might frown about it.
Yeah I was reading somewhere and the Royale guest should not be using the pool chairs. I really don't think they care unless someone in that Casitas Area complains. We meet a group that hung out in our pool area b/c the old people in there Casitas area complained they were too loud. So that moved to not deal with the crabby people. So I am sure if they would have been Royale guest they would have definitely been asked to go back to the other side. LOL!