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Everything posted by Nicci86

  1. So the cups were all gone. At least the $2.50 ones with the designs were. We had to get the plain $5 ones. I'll have to go back to pier 1 and get some fancier ones for $5 for my bridesmaids. I have names coming from etsy soon to do them up.
  2. My son is 11 months old. I get me time when I shower after daddy gets home most days, but thats about it. I don't have any grandparent help or anything.
  3. We're having an AHR on Sept 23 and our wedding is the 14th. It will be pretty formal because my European family is sad they won't get to see the wedding. My MIL is doing most of it for us. Which is awesome (and a pain in the butt at the same time as our tastes are very different). Our venue is a German club that has lovely grounds and the wall opens up to the outdoors.
  4. We're having 11 people. Yes, the colorful ones. I had them in my cart to buy back in July but my MIL told me to keep looking for something cheaper. Wish I had bought them then!!
  5. No I don't have my bags yet. I don't know where to get them. Money is a huge issue for me now that I'm not working and with the wedding... so I've been waiting. Would Michaels have bags?
  6. Thank you so much for this thread! I am going nuts with my OOT bags!! At Pier 1 I got some nice pocket mirrors for my bridesmaids for $1. I also found scented hand sanitizers there for $1. I'm getting tumblers for $5 from the Canadian Superstore (I hope they still have them!) and I've ordered lettering for them from etsy. I got a bunch of kleenex from Walmart with cute patterns. Other than that I'm at a loss.
  7. This is my wedding band. Its tungsten with a shell inlay.
  8. My son will be 12 months at our wedding (in a few weeks!!). He's too little to walk but I'm hoping my cousin who is a bridesmaid will carry him. We've got some cute sandals and a linen seersucker for him.
  9. I have Erika Torres as well. She's ok. Takes long to get back to us and isn't as helpful as I'd like. My wedding is in a few weeks and we still have no flowers. I have mine but my fiance doesn't want to pay for the bridesmaid's I was hoping to get Fresa but it doesn't look like that's going to happen.
  10. Congratulations!! I have a soon to be 1 year old so that's definitely causing me some challenges. He will be at the wedding in Mexico with us.
  11. Has anyone done welcome bags for guests at the resort? I am starting to plan mine but I have no idea how I would go about getting them to the guests.
  12. Beautiful!! Congratulations! Where were those last 2 photos taken? They are gorgeous!
  13. How did you ladies go about getting a signature cocktail? I didn't even know that was an option?
  14. What do you have to do to be married in Canada? We are having the judge and everything in Mexico but when we get back what do we have to do?
  15. Hi Chelsea! Congrats on your engagement! We chose Sensatori because we wanted theMayan Riviera and it was one of the nicest places there. We're very pleased with the decision. It looks amazing and we keep getting more and more excited. We did have some issues with their booking person thought because we didn't have the minimum amount of people for the group rate. That caused some problems so we decided to find another travel agent.
  16. Reaing this threa is making me so depressed. All you wedding sound lovely and its so great you get such a special wedding. Only 2 people are coming to my wedding.
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