With it being all-inclusive I dont see the sense in paying for what you can bascially get for free.. What your paying for really is the privacy. But my guests are mostly family and wont mind. So we are going to opt for the free dinner, this will save a ton of money in the long run. And I will take my own linen napkins in our colors, pink and orange, and maybe add some chair sashes to make it more "wedding dinnery" to set it apart from the other tables. They say they put one long table together or two rows based on guest numbers, I like this option much better than round tables so everyone can sit together. Plus our family is demanding at AHR for those that wont be able to travel.. So once we get back we will do music, dancing, appies, and drinks (not a sit down dinner, or at least that's my thoughts so far) and make it like a huge wedding shower/reception) As far as entertainment after dinner I see they have entertainment every hour and also the disco at 11.