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Everything posted by JulyDrcBride

  1. Hi Ladies, I had my wedding there last month on July 26. Thought I would share my slideshow for anyone interested. http://paulcobophotography.zenfolio.com/p112922676/h3AE80B76#h3ae80b76 It was beautiful and I had the time of my life. Rained right after the ceremony but didnt phase us. Good luck to all the brides!!! xox Sophia
  2. Get the dancefloor for sure. it makes the party more lively and makes ppl get up and dance on it. I wouldnt worry about it being too small....you can dance around it too and chances are ppl wont be dancing all at once anyway some will mingle, dance on the deck etc. the skirt color i had was black didnt even notice it. They seem to coordinate the colors of your dance floor to your party theme....when it was important moments like garter and bouquet toss, the floor stayed a beautiful pink/purple shade.
  3. Hi Everyone, I got back from DRC just last weekend from our July 26 wedding. It was a dream!! I was after Lindsey and before Mnunez (im pretty sure i was rockin out to your reception music in my room on july 28 btw) They also upgraded me from a oceanview room to the Presidential suite on the day of my wedding so I got to stay there from the 26th to the 29th...which was perfect because we divided the huge suite into 2, one side for the boys and one side for the ladies...much easier for our photog. I am still waiting on my official professional photos since I hired my own photog from Miami. I will post those when i receive them! I do have a crap load of photos from everyones cameras and some from the next morning shoot by Adventure photos. It all on my FB and these links should work hopefully!: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150975675888870.421107.512643869&type=1&l=e7d70f4f55 https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150978885873870.421521.512643869&type=1&l=d87b996478 It was the best time of my life and now that it is over only advice I can give is RELAX and stop sweatin the small stuff....before you know it the time comes and goes and you wish you had not wasted it on being stressed! We had couple massages the day before it was perfect and had our stags at Coco Bongo...best time ever. I highly recommend it. If any of you have questions I'd be happy to help. Cheers xo, S
  4. Hey Lindsey!! Thats so good customs was good to you! Im glad to hear youre having a blast already! Hows the weather so far? Do you feel its possible to do an outdoor wedding or is it pretty windy? I arrive this Sunday at 3pm....hope to bump into you! Also we have a preferred room...id love a master suite, hopefully they will upgrade! See you around the resort this weekend hopefully! If not enjoy yourself...we`ve been waiting forever! S
  5. Yay for July Brides looks like weve got one on the 15th, 20th, mine on 26th and then mnunez on 28th. Good luck ladies!! xox
  6. Lindsey, I just found out why i couldnt quote you to talk to you...lol...i wasnt logged in haha was a newbie i am. Anyway...i watched all your youtube clips!! and omg you are an angel for doing that!! I felt like i was there and you were asking what i wanted to know...especially about the chairs when you guys were standing at the Gazebo....I was thinking..."what about them wooden looking chairs!?" and then you asked it haha. My fiancee and i are so grateful you did that cuz it really gives you a better feel of the property. I am now just starting to get excited...i have been plagued with stress since Jan 1st...when i realized it was now 2012 lol....and then after a month of stress i realized how stupid it is to stress so hard...theres no point in planning for your goal if you arent going to enjoy the ride and remember to have fun. Your clips put alot of nerves to rest honestly. Thank you so so much.
  7. Hey girl! Thanks for the reply and answers...funny enough, Yamina has been a doll in answering promptly...almost daily! I booked the Gazebo for the ceremony because I did not want to fuss with additional costs of a canopy...plus I love the Gazebo and how grand looking it is the way it is.... I was also able to confirm the pool deck. Do any of you know if the wooden garden chairs are free to use like the banquet chairs? I am bringing all my centerpieces decor, table cards etc with me in suitcases....I heard keep all your receipts for carry on luggage items you packed in case customs haggles ya....in case some of you ladies didnt read it in a past review. Do you guys think its a bad idea to not have a DJ? i mean $300 an hour is steeeeep! What about if i load my ipod full of 4-5 hours of songs, rent the sound systems....and just have a friend introduce us...plus that would be more personal...any of you thinking to nix the DJ as well? mnunez2!: I am getting married the day you arrive...yes I am sure we will bump into each other! and ill be able to peek your wedding... My original date was your date! and they told me it was all booked up Thursday is good too though afterall...gives me the edge of being able to book alot of things freely such as locations since its not a popular day to get hitched.
  8. LindseyM! Thanks for your reply...i suck at using these forums by the way, excuse me if im posting wrong. anyway ill be there July 22... maybe we will get to say hi to each other. I am not keen on their "approved vendors" adventure photos...and have my own photog...do any of you know indefinitely if this is allowed? I would be surprised if it wasnt...i dont see how that affects them, plus they should have more choices then.
  9. Hi Ladies, I am new to this forum and i apologize if i am posting incorrectly...just wanted to update the roster and hopefully connect with as many brides as possible especially LindseyM and Mnunez...my wedding is in between the two of yours...july 26 2012. /24/2012 Bud and Jackie 2/25/2012 Mariah and Jens 3/4/2012 faeriesxist83 (shelly and Jim) 3/18/2012 William and Kate 3/24/2012 Eric and Tracie 4/21/2012 Ankswt03 (Amanda and Jeremy) 4/22/2012 SweetMelissa (Melissa & Nick) 4/22/2012 Ariane1126 (Tessa and Ryan) 4/24/2012 Amer & Charlotte 5/12/2012 Dimplesandsuga 5/13/2012 Day_rog (Dana and Damien) 5/16/2012 Corio342 (Corey and Andrew) 5/18/2012 Sarah80 (Sarah and Luke) 5/21/2012 CKNMVS 5/23/2012 Aimeelaco28 5/24/2012 weddingprincess (Shannon & Brad) 6/3/2012 Mrskatieperry (Katie and PJ) 6/9/2012 Ssapper 6/14/2012 torilvv12 (Victoria & Yura) 6/18/2012 juliej84 (Julie and Ash) 6/30/2012 rachallen18 (Rachel & Allen) 7/20/2012 LindseyM (Lindsey & Kevin) 7/26/2012 JulyDrcBride (Sophie & Rafael) 7/28/2012 Mnunez 8/4/12 Kip and Kate (RollerBride) 8/7/2012 Nj2012 (Nikki & Joe) 8/10/12 Annie & Jon 8/24/2012 Sarah-Jane (Sarah and James) 9/1/2012 Cbandemer (Colleen & Brian) 9/2/2012 Ktcblue2012 (Kariane & Nathan) 11/19/2012 melinmontana (Melissa and Kael) 12/17/2012 Savs1027 (Savanah and John) 4/27/2013 Vika Yakovleva (Vika & Anthony) 5/3/2013 Kthorpe Few things Im hoping people can comment or help with: People are starting to freak me out with June/July weather in Cancun saying its hurricane season...Ive never been so I dont know...any thoughts or input? Also if anyone out there has the detailed breakdown of decor, food, vendor lists and costs aside from the PDF wedding package available online...if you can send it all to me that would be so appreciated... [email protected] That way I can actually attempt to plan properly. I too have issues with getting answers from Yamina or Evangelina. Thanks in advance you guys!
  10. Hi Ladies, This is my first time on this site and im glad i found it because its coming up so soon and like all of you I am freaking out. I added myself on the roster and hopefully I will get to connect with everyone for help and especially would love to connect with LindseyM and Mnunez because my wedding is on July 26th 2012...right in between you girls. /24/2012 Bud and Jackie 2/25/2012 Mariah and Jens 3/4/2012 faeriesxist83 (shelly and Jim) 3/18/2012 William and Kate 3/24/2012 Eric and Tracie 4/21/2012 Ankswt03 (Amanda and Jeremy) 4/22/2012 SweetMelissa (Melissa & Nick) 4/22/2012 Ariane1126 (Tessa and Ryan) 4/24/2012 Amer & Charlotte 5/12/2012 Dimplesandsuga 5/13/2012 Day_rog (Dana and Damien) 5/16/2012 Corio342 (Corey and Andrew) 5/18/2012 Sarah80 (Sarah and Luke) 5/21/2012 CKNMVS 5/23/2012 Aimeelaco28 5/24/2012 weddingprincess (Shannon & Brad) 6/3/2012 Mrskatieperry (Katie and PJ) 6/9/2012 Ssapper 6/14/2012 torilvv12 (Victoria & Yura) 6/18/2012 juliej84 (Julie and Ash) 6/30/2012 rachallen18 (Rachel & Allen) 7/20/2012 LindseyM (Lindsey & Kevin) 7/26/2012 JulyDrcBride (Sophie & Rafael) 7/28/2012 Mnunez 8/4/12 Kip and Kate (RollerBride) 8/7/2012 Nj2012 (Nikki & Joe) 8/10/12 Annie & Jon 8/24/2012 Sarah-Jane (Sarah and James) 9/1/2012 Cbandemer (Colleen & Brian) 9/2/2012 Ktcblue2012 (Kariane & Nathan) 11/19/2012 melinmontana (Melissa and Kael) 12/17/2012 Savs1027 (Savanah and John) 4/27/2013 Vika Yakovleva (Vika & Anthony) 5/3/2013 Kthorpe If any of you lovely ladies could email me any useful info on decor, dinner, vendor and other detailed info that I could use to plan the wedding that would be great! I also have a hard time getting answers from Yamina or Evangelina. Its going to drive me nuts til the wedding is over and thats too bad because we should all be enjoying this process especially because that is the reason why we all chose a destination wedding. Also did anyone receive a detailed info package that describes how much everything costs like table runners, decor etc? Sorry if it has already been posted or asked. my email is: [email protected] thank you so much in advance for the help!
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