Hi Everyone, I got back from DRC just last weekend from our July 26 wedding. It was a dream!! I was after Lindsey and before Mnunez (im pretty sure i was rockin out to your reception music in my room on july 28 btw) They also upgraded me from a oceanview room to the Presidential suite on the day of my wedding so I got to stay there from the 26th to the 29th...which was perfect because we divided the huge suite into 2, one side for the boys and one side for the ladies...much easier for our photog. I am still waiting on my official professional photos since I hired my own photog from Miami. I will post those when i receive them! I do have a crap load of photos from everyones cameras and some from the next morning shoot by Adventure photos. It all on my FB and these links should work hopefully!: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150975675888870.421107.512643869&type=1&l=e7d70f4f55 https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150978885873870.421521.512643869&type=1&l=d87b996478 It was the best time of my life and now that it is over only advice I can give is RELAX and stop sweatin the small stuff....before you know it the time comes and goes and you wish you had not wasted it on being stressed! We had couple massages the day before it was perfect and had our stags at Coco Bongo...best time ever. I highly recommend it. If any of you have questions I'd be happy to help. Cheers xo, S