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Everything posted by michele318

  1. I am going to beach palace for a site visit. I have a huge list of questions to ask. It won't be til December I go, but please list any questions you all have, and I'll post details when I return! I'm visiting multiple properties but pretty confident we will select Beach Palace!
  2. I applied to this contest, but my post said something about my post was being sent for review... Any idea? I am new to the forum.. I have looked at it a lot but never posted. Will my post show up or should I attempt to repost? Thanks for any input!
  3. Wedding photography is the most important thing to me.. (Besides my groom showing up at the alter.. I can't have wedding photos without him ) It is the first thing I researched since getting engaged in June. My fiance is well aware and supportive of my love for pictures, and even went out of his way to have our engagement photographed in front of the Eiffel Tower. (By his mother who had NO CLUE he was proposing) The photography is important to me because those are the pictures tha will be hanging on the walls in our home for the rest of our lives. Those pictures will someday be the only reminder of our love to the future generations of our family. My grandfather recently passed away and the funeral home created a slideshow. As my grandmother sat in front of it, crying as she watched the pictures of their wedding scrolled by, I couldn't help but notice the love they had for each other. They continued to have that love until the day he passed away. For people who barely knew them to comment on the love observed in a photo from 67 years ago is remarkable. I want my photographer to have the ability to capture that same love in my photos. I work as speech language pathologist, and have worked with the elderly population. I create memory books for those suffering from Alzheimers and Dementia. A memory book is a photo album of pictures and remnants that can remind people of happy times when their memory is declining. They may forget their spouse from day to day, but the look on their face when seeing a photo from their wedding day is priceless. I want to be able to look at my wedding photographs and think back to the day and recall.. the color of my flowers, the fabric of my dress, the tears of joy in the eyes of my guests, and the love shared between my future husband and I.
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