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Everything posted by Mlite83

  1. Dress #1 looks awesome and you look so happy in it so that gets my vote!!
  2. Also I completely agree with your rant about MoB dresses -- having 2 older brother's who have alread gotten married (with traditional weddings) my Mother was thrilled to get to think outside the box of pastel colours, jackets over dresses and other traditional MoB styles.
  3. My Mom has purchased this dress for our wedding in Mexico but since the wedding is not until February 2013 I have a feel she may end up with more than one dress! For my brother's wedding 2 years ago she bought 3 different dresses since she couldn't decide which one she liked best. At least she got this one on sale if she does chance her mind, ha!
  4. I'm certain you will be happy with an outside photog (especially DelSol - they do amazing work!!!), I just wanted to mention too that you can purchase additional hours (for about $100/hr) and you have the option to purchase all images on a disk (for around $500)...this is what I have understood based on previous reviews by Now Jade brides. My wedding is not until winter 2013 so I can't speak from experience tho
  5. I haven't had my wedding at Now Jade yet but I can tell you that Pilar said that they do not like to break the packages (ie no substitutions) BUT has been done...the advice I was offered is to go into it assuming that the package can't be changed and it is a nice perk if they do allow you to move things around. As for the slideshow I know I saw the price of it somewhere...maybe the wedding booklet? I think its around $500?
  6. During the webinar Pilar said it is Adventure Photo -- their website has lots of photos of weddings they have shot and you can check them out by resorts http://www.adventurephotosmx.com/
  7. Definitely cheaper to fly mid-week to mid-week than weekend departure. And from my experience being at the resort over the weekend (as opposed to arriving and then leaving on a Saturday) is always fun since there is lots going on (ie theme nights etc)...but it is all personal choice and what works for you. We are getting married at Now Jade in Mexico and since we weren't picky with our date so we priced a few different weeks and went with the best price - as it turns out the Saturday of our week (Wednesday to Wednesday) was available so we were able to book that. My TA mentioned that from her experience prices usually drop in the 3rd week of January (after the holiday rush) and then go up again for Family day (mid-February)/spring break until after March break....when we priced the difference between early January and early February ranged from $20 - $80 more per week depending on exact travel dates. Hopefully that helps!
  8. I didn't know which one to go with either as they both looked great and were pretty much equal for rooms, dining, bars etc. Jade won out for a couple reasons though... 1. the adults pool at jade is 18+ vs at sapphire its part of the preferred club, if guests don't upgrade i don't want them to not be allowed to hang out with the others 2. there appeared to be more options for locations (of ceremony and reception) at jade, plus i LOVED the pergola Hope this helps makes your decision! Don't worry it gets easier after that, haha!!
  9. thanks for all your ideas and feedback ladies! nice to have a source for opinions so things can be a surprise when they arrive in the mail for friends and family!
  10. Great thread! Thanks for sharing all your experiences! Congrats and enjoy at the AHR!!!
  11. I just heard back from Now Jade with my official confirmation - we are set for Saturday, February 9th 2013!! Yay! Excited to get started on the fun stuff now!
  12. Thanks for the info -- I completely forgot to get a price for this guest from Edmonton until he replied that he was so excited to come...hopefully he doesn't mind it will be a bit more! I don't know for sure about the day price but I haven't seen anything that indicates different prices for wedding vs non-wedding visits.?
  13. If you don't mind - what price (approx) are guests from Edmonton flying for? We have a friend in Edmonton and our TA has quoted almost $1900 for him (whereas our guests from Ontario are paying under $1500). I told him to see what a TA from Edmonton could get for him even tho it would be separate from our booking, since I feel horribly that it was so much more money!
  14. Great review - I love all your DIY and how you share your tips too! Congrats on the wedding and baby!!
  15. Hey Now Jade Ladies - I'm looking for some suggestions for a February timeline of wedding events. We want a late afternoon ceremony (probably around 4) but I don't know what time to select for cocktail hour and dinner/reception??? Please help!! Thanks!
  16. Who are you booking with? We are going thru Robert Q travel and with Air Transat so our early book bonus deadline is Mon. April 30, which was 6 days from when we put down our deposit so it has been crazy but we have 8 rooms (mostly doubles) booked as of this afternoon, we anticipate probably 1 more couple to book before Monday. So exciting!!
  17. Thanks! We will see what we (mostly he, haha) can do tomorrow!
  18. Saturday, February 9, 2013 at Now Jade Riviera Cancun Mexico!! Just booked! So excited!! My friend pointed out the our wedding date of 9-2-13 is perfect since we have been dating for 13 years, 2 people in love and we met in grade 9. I thought that was pretty clever of her!
  19. Hi Ladies, FI & I have put together our postcard STD and are looking for some feedback - what do you think? Any suggestions for improvement? The info on resort, travel agent etc will be on the back. Thanks!!
  20. Good advice regarding savings on appetizers - one more thing I was thinking about to add to the cost savings ideas -- depending on how large your wedding party is, you might not need to up the number of appies as much. For example our wedding party (including us) is 10 people - they will miss a large chunk of the cocktail hour for photos so we aren't concerned with matching portions to number of wedding guests. Hopefully that makes sense?
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